Southwestern Public Service Company Change to Network Resource Designation (Interim Form)

Southwestern Public Service Company
Control Area and Transmission Provider
Change to Network Resource Designation (Interim Form)
This form shall be used for a single change in the designation of a single network resource
(DNR). The resource must have previously been designated as a network resource via the
Initial Network Resource Designation form. This change to a DNR supersedes previous
designations for the specified time period. Items with an * are required, if the * items are
missing this request will be considered invalid. Fax completed form to 806-640-6460.
*Company Name _________________________________________________________
*Requesting Person: ______________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________
*FAX number: ______________________ *Phone number: _______________________
* Network Resource Name: ________________________________________________
*Change to DNR starts on: ______________ and stops at the end of: _______________
(Minimum duration is 1 day, beginning at 12 midnight Central Time)
*DNR Capacity (MW) ______________ during this period.
(Customer’s Rights on DNR Only)
*State how this DNR change meets the requirements of OATT sections 30.1 and 30.7.
Comments: ______________________________________________________________
*The undersigned network customer confirms that the above statements are true and
factual and meet the requirements of a DNR.
*Signed __________________________________________
*Name: _____________________________ *Title: _____________________________
Last Revised July 09, 2007
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