Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund

The Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund
Bowling Green State University
This fund was established to honor the life of Dr. Winifred O. Stone, associate professor emeritus of
ethnic studies and former associate dean of the Graduate College at Bowling Green State University. Dr.
Stone’s outstanding tenure at Bowling Green State University established him as an academic visionary,
humanitarian and dedicated university citizen committed to attaining excellence and equity in graduate
education. This fund recognizes Dr. Stone’s successes and all the lives he’s touched in nearly a quarter of
a century. Dr. Stone has united many people in the pursuit of intellectual growth and excellence at
Dr. Stone made significant contributions to many programs and initiatives at BGSU. Among those
programs and initiatives are the Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship Program, the Department of Ethnic
Studies, the cultural diversity requirement for undergraduates, the University’s recruitment efforts of the
best and brightest graduate students, and many others.
The Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund will support the following three areas:
I. Graduate College
The Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund should be used for:
A. The support of graduate students who meet the following criteria:
1. Recipients must be Project Search graduate students who have been enrolled at BGSU for at
least one semester.
2. Recipients must be U.S. citizens or immigrants with permanent residence status.
3. Recipients must be in good academic standing and be registered as full-time students.
4. The Director of Project Search will recommend the names of three award nominees to the
Dean of the Graduate College. The Dean of the Graduate College will select the award
B. Awards may be used for the support of graduate students who encounter unexpected needs related
to life events such as illness, accidents, medical expenses, etc. and who meet the criteria specified
above in number I.A.
II. International Student Services Office
The Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund should be used for:
A. The support of students according to the following criteria:
1. Recipients must be international graduate students who have been enrolled at BGSU for at
least one semester.
2. The Director of the International Student Services Office and the Associate Director will
recommend the names of three award nominees to the Dean of the Graduate College. The
Dean of the Graduate College will select the award recipient.
3. Recipients must be in good academic standing and be registered as full-time students.
4. Announcement of the recipients should be made at the annual International Dinner in the fall
B. Awards may be used for the support of international graduate students who encounter unexpected
needs related to life events such as illness, accidents, medical expenses, etc. and who meet the
criteria specified above in number II.A.
III. College of Musical Arts
The Winifred O. Stone Graduate Student Development Fund should be used for:
A. The support of students according to the following criteria:
a. Recipients are expanding their musical training through their participation in events such
as: auditions, study abroad, etc.
b. The Dean of the College of Musical Arts in conjunction with the Pro Musica Board will
submit the names of three award nominees to the Dean of the Graduate College. The
Dean of the Graduate College will select the award recipient.
c. Recipients must be in good academic standing and be registered as full-time students.
Designation of the Awards
Awards may be used for scholarships, conference attendance, research or other educational
related expenses. If awards are made for scholarships, awards are to be deposited in the
recipient’s bursar account and may be used for tuition, room and board or bookstore
If support from this fund is to cover other educational expenses or expenses associated
to unexpected events as specified in I.B. and II.B above, a check will be issued to the
student in the amount determined by either the Graduate College or the Center for
International Programs.
Each department may nominate up to three (3) graduate students for this award.
Selection Process:
1. The Dean of the Graduate College is the administrator of this award.
2. The Dean of the Graduate College will make the final determination of the recipients
from the list of nominees.
March 3, 2014:
Dr. Lisa Chavers should be notified of the names of nominees. Please rank
March 21, 2014:
Deadline for each of the three nominees to submit two faculty letters of
recommendation to:
Dr. Lisa C. Chavers
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies/Director of Project Search
Graduate College
120 McFall Center
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
419-372-0343 (O)
419-372-8569 (Fax)
March 28, 2014:
One finalist in each area will be determined by the Graduate Dean (in
consultation with Dr. Winifred O. Stone). The finalists will be
notified. The College of Musical Arts, International Student Services
Office, and Project Search Program will plan to recognize finalists and
present the award during the College of Musical Arts Award Ceremony,
International Dinner, and Shanklin Award Banquet, respectively.
Thank you for your active involvement in the process of identifying nominees.
2/12/2014 jel