Game 3

CSE1301 Project 3 –
Completing Your Game
Managing states correctly = 25%
Used good programming commenting, formatting and modularity = 15%
Handling collections properly = 20%
Properly defined at least three classes within the solution = 25%
Managing display of and input across 2+ players and adversaries = 15%
Apply lessons learned to design a new game with code implementation
Develop correct, efficient, and documented code.
Define and use classes in program solutions.
1. Complete your game design by coding up the major components for this final,
finished game project.
2. The game should be completely playable with
o A menu with instructions
o A main playing state that runs the game
o A “game over” state that displays score or some other meaningful information
o 2+ players, each with independent input controls (2 Xbox controllers and/or
keyboard key sets)
o Audio and 2D sprites with backgrounds
3. Use good commenting and whitespace/indentation throughout your code
4. Use collections to manage the projectiles in your game
5. Your game must include a player, an enemy, and a projectile class. You can have
more if you desire.
(Optional) Make you game epic.  Have different audio playing for the different game
Submitting your project
1. ZIP/compress the entire project file for this solution/application. Include this
project ZIP within the overall ZIP file for the submission.
2. Submit this ZIP file into the D2L system for this project in the appropriate project
assignment location.