CSE1301 Lab 6 – Start your Game

CSE1301 Lab 6 – Start your Game
Did not complete lab - 0%
Submitted a minimal solution with major problems - 33%
Submitted a nearly-complete solution with some minor problems - 66%
All tasks completed correctly - 100%
Apply lessons learned to design a new game
Audacity and Sony Acid Xpress are useful tools to do audio work. Paint.NET and the
GIMP are useful for painting textures.
1. Now that you know how to handle input, drawing, audio, 2D art, etc. in a PSM, begin
work on your final game for this course.
2. Submit a written description of what you want your game to be.
3. Provide all the audio and art that you’ll use in your game.
4. You don’t have to provide any code, but if you have begun coding, you can submit a
draft of what you have accomplished so far.
(Optional) A shooter game that handles collisions and enemies is “easy” enough and
has been done many times. Invent a game that incentivizes cooperation/collaboration
among the players rather than pitting them against each other.
Submitting your project
Include a PDF document discussing what you want your game to be.
Include 2D paint and audio files
ZIP all of your files into a single submission.
If you choose to submit code, ZIP/compress the entire project file for this
solution/application. Include this project ZIP within the overall ZIP file for the
submission (including art and PDF and audio).
5. Submit this ZIP file into the D2L system for this lab in the appropriate lab
assignment location.