REQUEST FOR PRE-APPLICATION REPORT Transmission Provider: Southern Company Services Designated Contact Person: Jason R. Williams, Interconnections Project Manager Mailing Address: 600 North 18th Street / BIN 13N-8812 Birmingham, AL 35203-2206 E-Mail Address: Telephone Number: (205) 257-6714 Instructions An Interconnection Customer desiring to obtain a pre-application report shall complete the following form and submit this request by mail or email to the Transmission Provider, along with a non-refundable request fee of $300. The pre-application report fee should be submitted as a check made payable to Southern Company Services, Inc. The pre-application report request will be considered complete when both the request form (with satisfactory information to positively identify the project site) and acceptable payment has been received by the contact person designated above. The Transmission Provider shall provide the pre-application data to the Interconnection Customer within twenty (20) business days after the pre-application report request is considered complete. This pre-application report request does not obligate the Transmission Provider to conduct a study or other analysis of the proposed generator. The pre-application report produced by the Transmission Provider is non-binding, does not confer any rights, and the Interconnection Customer must still successfully apply to interconnect to the Transmission Provider’s system. If the Transmission Provider cannot complete all or some of a pre-application report due to lack of available data, the Transmission Provider shall provide the Interconnection Customer with a pre-application report that includes the data that is available. The data in the pre-application report will represent the best available information at the time of reporting. The provision of information on “available capacity” does not imply that an interconnection up to this level may be completed without impacts since there are many variables studied as part of the interconnection review process, and data provided in the pre-application report may become outdated at the time of the submission of the complete Interconnection Request. The pre-application report will provide electric system information for only one valid Point of Interconnection. o A valid Point of Interconnection is a transmission voltage (>40kV) level facility owned by a Southern Company utility (i.e., Alabama Power Company, Georiga Power Company, Gulf Power Company, or Mississippi Power Company). o If the requestor provides multiple Points of Interconnection, the pre-application report will only provide electric system information for the first valid Point of Interconnection listed. Information for multiple Points of Interconnection must be requested through multiple preapplication report requests. o If the requestor does not propose a Point of Interconnection, the Transmission Provider will select a valid Point of Interconnection, and provide electric system information based on the Point of Interconnection selected by the Transmission Provider. Page 1 Dated: 6/27/2016 REQUEST FOR PRE-APPLICATION REPORT Contact Information Company Name: Contact Person: Mailing Address: City: State: Telephone: E-Mail Address: Zip: Project Information Project Name: Project Location (street address with nearby cross street and town, or GPS coordinates in decimal format): Meter number, pole number, or other equivalent information identifying proposed Point of Interconnection, if available: Map attached showing project location and proposed Point of Interconnection? Yes / No Generation Information Generator Type: (for example, solar, wind, combined heat and power, etc.) Generator Size (AC): kW or MW Generator Configuration: Three Phase or Single Phase Stand-alone generator (no onsite load, not including station service): Yes / No If no, please describe: Is new service requested? Yes / No If there is existing service, include: Customer account number: Site minimum and maximum current or proposed electric loads in kW (if available) and specify if the load is expected to change: Page 2 Dated: 6/27/2016