Document 14963499

Matakuliah : V0162 - Pengantar Industri Hospitality dan
: 2008
Tourism and Environment
(Pariwisata dan Lingkungan)
Week 12
• Positive and negative impacts of tourism
•The dangers and threats to the environment (Ancaman
kerusakan lingkungan)
• Sustainable tourism development (Pembangunan
• Ecotourism
• Current environmental practices of tourism organization
(Praktek industri pariwisata masa kini)
Bina Nusantara
Tourism Components and Supply
Week 9
On completion of this lesson, the students will be
able to explain the positive and negative impact of
tourism to the environment and the benefits of
ecotourism in preventing the destruction of
Bina Nusantara
Week 12
• Tourism development has been identified
as being the main cause of
environmental degradation
• Examples:
– Overbuilding of tourist accommodation in
coastal areas causes water pollution
– Temples suffer wear and tear from multitude
of tourists visiting them
Bina Nusantara
Week 12
• The world is now concerned about the impact of
tourism development on the environment
• The world is facing major environmental
degradation. One of the greatest contributors to
the environmental degradation is tourism
• Poorly planned industrial and agricultural
expansion has also disastrous consequences in
many locations
• Tourism will ultimately suffer more than any other
areas of activities if the ongoing degradation
process is not controlled
Bina Nusantara
Week 12
• Governments are making efforts to limit
degradation through:
– Encouraging “environmentally friendly” practices
– Limiting the numbers of tourism at certain
destinations and sites
– Developing small-scale tourism as a more a more
“environmentally friendly” alternative to mass
tourism (note: Large-scale tourism is not always
equated with environmentally Unfriendly
development. Careful planning ensures that
environmental considerations are evaluated)
Bina Nusantara
Week 12
• Environmental = All aspects of the surroundings
of human beings, including cultural, natural and
man-made, whether affecting human being as
individuals or in social groupings
• Environment is comprised of:
– The natural environment: weather, climate, waterfeatures, topography, soil, etc
– The built environment: buildings and other manmade physical features
– Cultural environment
– Economic environment
– Political environment
– Social environment, etc
Bina Nusantara
Week 12
• The relationship between the natural and built
environment and tourism is very close. Many
features of the environment are attractions for
Bina Nusantara
Types of Environmental Impact
Week 12
• Tourism can generate both positive and
negative environmental impacts,
depending on how well development is
planned and controlled
Bina Nusantara
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Water pollution
– If a sewage disposal system has not been
properly installed for a hotel or other tourist
facilities, there may be pollution of ground
water from the sewage
– If sewage outfall has been constructed into a
nearby river/coastal water area, but the
sewage has not been properly treated, the
effluent will pollute that water area
Bina Nusantara
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Air pollution
– Air pollution from tourism development can
result from excessive vehicular traffic used
by/for tourists
– Improperly maintained exhaust systems of
– Generated from open, devastated areas, for
tourist development
Bina Nusantara
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Noise pollution
– Generated by a concentration of tourists,
tourists vehicles, certain kinds of tourists
• Visual pollution
Bina Nusantara
Inappropriate/ poorly designed tourist facilities
Inappropriate landscaping
Excess use of and ugly advertisements
Poorly maintained buildings and landscapping
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Overcrowding and congestion
– Overcrowding by tourists
– Vehicular congestion
• Land use problems
– Tourism development pre-empts land which
is more valuable for other types of use,
such as agriculture, residential/ recreational
occupation, or should remain under
conservation control
Bina Nusantara
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Ecological disruption
– Killing or stunting the growth of vegetables in a
park/ conservation area by many tourists
trampling through it
– Collection of rare types of seashells, coral,
turtle shells or other such items by tourists, or
by local people for sale, to tourists
– Breaking coral by boats
– Undue filling of mangrove swamps (habitats for
sea life)
Bina Nusantara
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Environmental hazards
– Poor sitting and engineering design of tourist
facilities, generating landslides, flooding and
sedimentation of rivers and coastal areas
resulting from removal of vegetation, disruption
of natural drainage channels, etc
• Damage to historic and archeological sites
– Damage of these features through excessive
wear, vibration and vandalism
Bina Nusantara
Negative Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Improper water disposal
– Littering of debris on the landscape by tourists
– Improper disposal of solid waste from resorts
and hotels, generating litter and environmental
health problem from vermin, desease and
Bina Nusantara
Positive Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
• Tourism, if well planned and controlled, can
help maintain and improve the environment in
various ways
– Conservation of important natural areas
Tourism helps conserve nature parks, outdoor
recreation and conservation areas as attractions
– Conservation of archeological and historic sites
Tourism provides incentive for the conservation of
archeological and historic sites as attractions.
Bina Nusantara
Positive Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
– Improvement of environmental quality
• Tourism provides incentive for “cleaning up” the
environment through control of air, water and noise
pollution, littering and other environmental problems
• Tourism helps improve environmental aesthetics
– Enhancement of environment
Development of well-designed tourist facilities
enhances a natural or urban landscape which is
otherwise dull, uninteresting
Bina Nusantara
Positive Impacts of Tourism
Week 12
– Improvement of infrastructure
Local infrastructure of airports, roads, water and
sewage systems, telecommunications, etc can
often be improved through the development of
Bina Nusantara
Caution from World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
Week 12
• WTTC reports: “…it is clear that the world’s environment is
being altered by human activity and that without remedial
action, the results may be catastrophic”
• WTTC examines the key environmental issues (that affect
tourism) under 5 headings:
Bina Nusantara
Global warming
Depletion of the ozone layer
Acid rain
Depletion and pollution of water resources
Depletion and pollution of land resources
Caution from World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
Week 12
• The WTTC expresses particular concern with
respect to the depletion pollution of land resources,
– The long term implications of resource depletion are
obviously extremely serious. Even over the next few
decades the travel and tourism industry could find that:
• Increased competition for land could leas to loss of potential
new tourist destinations and degradation of existing
Bina Nusantara
Caution from World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
Week 12
• Loss of landscape and wildlife could cause a decrease in
customer satisfaction with tourism products and hence lower
propensity to travel to some destinations
• Higher fuel prices could lead to operational price increases and
corresponding decreases in the number of travelers in this
(tourists) price-sensitive market
Bina Nusantara
Measures to Prevent the Destruction of Environments:
“ASTA’s Ten Commandments on Ecotourism”
Week 12
1. Respect the frailty of the earth – help the earth in its
2. Leave only footprints
Take only photographs. Leave no graffiti. Do not litter, Do not
take away “souvenirs” from historic sites and natural areas
3. Educate yourself about the geography, customs,
manners and cultures of the region you visit
Take time to listen to the people. Encourage local
conservation efforts.
Bina Nusantara
Measures to Prevent the Destruction of Environments:
“ASTA’s Ten Commandments on Ecotourism”
Week 12
4. Respect the privacy and dignity of others
Inquire before photographing others
5. Do not buy products made from endangered plants
or animals
6. Always follow designated trails
Do not disturb animals, plants, or their natural habitats
7. Support conservation-oriented programs and
Learn about them and how the organizations work to preserve
Bina Nusantara
Measures to Prevent the Destruction of Environments:
“ASTA’s Ten Commandments on Ecotourism”
Week 12
8. Walk or utilize environmentally sound methods of
Encourage drivers of public vehicles to stop engines when
9. Patronize those who advance energy and
environment conservation, dedicated to strong
principles of conservation
10. Identify those organizations that subscribe to the
ASTA Environmental Guidelines
Bina Nusantara
Bina Nusantara