Matakuliah : G 0332/English Phonology Tahun : 2007 Vowels, Diphtongs and Triphtongs Pertemuan 2 Vowel Sounds • Vowels are sounds in which there is no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips. • A description of vowel sounds must include: 1. The position of the part of the tongue , front, central and back , which is raised highest. 2. The position of the tongue against the palate, i.e. close, close mid, open mid, open. 3. The lips shape, i.e. rounded, spread and neutral. 4. The length of sound : lax (short) or tense (long). Bina Nusantara 3 3 English Cardinal Vowels • There are 12 cardinal vowels in English, they are 1. i: - tea 7. a: - art 2. I - sit 8. ʌ - up 3. e – pen 9. u: - food 4. æ - sad 10. u - foot 5. з: - bird 11. ɔ: - war 6. ə - ago 12. ɒ - not * These vowels can be put in a chart, called vowel chart in a form of quadrilateral chart. Bina Nusantara 4 4 Short Vowels 1. / I / . Slightly spread, close front vowel . It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: i,y, e, ie, and a, as in bit, pin , fish, city, beauty, pretty, basket, ladies, village. 2. /e/ . Slightly spread, mid close, front. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: e, ea, and a, as in bet, men, dead, head, many. 3. /æ/. Spread, open, front. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by the spelling: a, as in : sad, bat, man, gas. Bina Nusantara 5 Short Vowels 4. / ʌ/ . Neutral, mid open , central vowel. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: u, o, ou, oo, oe as in but, sun, son, come, country, enough, blood, does. 5. /ɒ/ . Rounded, open mid, back. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: o, a, ou, ow, au, as in pot, gone, was, what, cough, because, sausage 6. /u/. Rounded, close, back. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: u, o, oo, ou as in put, putll, wolf, woman, good, book, could, should. Bina Nusantara 6 Long vowels 1. /i:/ . Spread, close, front. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: ee, e, ea, ie, ei, ey, I , as in tree, complete, leaf, piece, field, key, police. 2. /з:/ . Neutral, mid open, central. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: ir, yr, er, err, ear, ur, or, our, as in bird, first, her, turn, church, word, journey. 3. /ɑ/. Neutral, open, back. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: a, ar, ear, er, al, as in pass, card, car, heart, clerk, calm. 4. /u:/ . Rounded, close, back. It can occur in all position. It can be represented by different spellings: oo, o, ou, u, ew, ue, ui, oe as in food, soon, do, group, rude, chew, clue, juice, fruit, shoe. Bina Nusantara 7 Diphthongs • Diphthongs are sounds which consist of a movement or glide from one vowel to another. • Diphthong consists of two vowels, in which the first part is longer and stronger and the second part is shorter and quieter. • The total number of diphthongs is eight, which is divided into three groups: - ending in ə :iə ,uə, eə - ending in I : ei, ai, ɔi - ending in u : əu, au Bina Nusantara 8 Diphthongs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bina Nusantara iə : deer, dear, weird, fierce, idea, museum uə: poor, moor, pure, curious, sewer, tour, druing eə : care, air, fair, bear, chair. ei: ape, day, eight, great ai: time, high, die, either, cry, dye. əu: so, oak, toe, soul, though, know, slow. au: house, sound, gown 9 Triphthongs • A triphthong is a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly and without interruption. • The tripthongs consist of 5 closing diphthongs with ə added on the end. There are 5 triphthongs : eiə, aiə, ɔiə, əuə, auə. * Example of triphtongs: layer, player, liar, fire, loyal, royal, lower, mower, power, hour. Bina Nusantara 10