Document 14963189


Matakuliah : G0332/English Phonology

Tahun : 2007

Intonation 2

Pertemuan 11

Internal Open Juncture

• Internal open juncture is found between words and between parts of the words.

• It is usually found in minimal pair such as : keep sticking and keeps ticking

• It is indicated by a plus sign /+/ and sometimes called a plus juncture.

• It is used to make distinction between pairs such as : an itch – a niche, its praise – it sprays , I scream – ice cream.


Bina Nusantara

Principles of junctures

1. If two vowels in successive syllables carry primary or secondary stresses, there will be a /+/ somewhere between them

Likes + meat blue + dress

But if two such vowels carry primary and third stresses, there may or may not be a /+/ between them boathouse boot + black


Bina Nusantara

Principles of junctures

2. Two adjoining vowels are usually separated by a /+/ an + opera + of the + idea + amuses

3. A vowel with weak stress followed by a consonant is often in close transition with the consonant, and there is no /+/ above a bag the best

Bina Nusantara

Principles of junctures

4. A consonant followed by a vowel with weak stress is in close transition, with no intervening /+/ most of found in

5. Between successive syllables with weak stress there is no /+/ of the water

Bina Nusantara

Special juncture

• Linking r or intrusive r are special cases of juncture that can occur in the following: here ‘ hi ə’ but here are ‘ hi ər ə’ four fɔ: but four eggs fɔ:r egz

• In the word my turn ‘mai tɜ:n’, the relationship between m and ai and the relationship between t and ɜ: or between ɜ: and n is called close juncture.

• The sound m and n are preceded and followed by silence, so it is called external open juncture.

Bina Nusantara


• The sound belonging to one word can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighboring words.

• Assimilation varies according to speaking rate and style.

• It is likely to be found in rapid, casual speech and less likely in slow, careful speech.

• Assimilation often affect consonant. If the first consonant is affected by the second consonant it is called regressive. If the second consonant is affected by the first consonant it is called progressive

Bina Nusantara


• Example 1 : that person ‘ ð æp p ɜ:sn’ : in casual speech, t become p before a bilabial consonant. (This is regressive assimilation)

• Try also for

light blue, meat pie, get those, bright color, get those, that case.

• Example 2 : in the : in ð ə  innə ( This is progressive assimilation)

• Try also :

get them, read these.

Bina Nusantara


• Under certain circumstances, sounds disappear

• There are several possibilities for elision:

1. Loss of weak vowel after p,t,k.

in words like potato, tomato, canary, perhaps, today, the vowel in the first syllable may disappear.

2. Weak vowel | n,l,r become syllabic consonant, for example : tonight, police, correct.

3. Avoidance of complex consonant clusters, for example: acts (t disappear) , looked back, scripts

4. Loss of final v in ‘of’ before consonants, for example: lots of them , waste of money.

Bina Nusantara
