Presentation Template #4

Team #
Week #2
EL name
(Entrepreneur Lead)
AL name
(Academic Lead)
Mentor name
Interviews Completed This Week: [insert number]
Total Interviews Completed: [insert number]
Problem to Solve
• Which customer segment are you creating value for?
• What customer pain/problem do you address?
• What gain do you create for customers?
Team #
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned:
Look at your interviews over the past 6 weeks in aggregate.
• What have you learned about your customer segment?
• What key features do your customers have in common?
• What did your customers tell you about their problems?
• Have you been able to confirm any specific value proposition
• Include a direct customer quote if it is illustrative of what you
• What are you going to do during your last week in I-Corps?
• What do you still need to learn? What loose ends need tied up?
Team #
Market Research
• What did you learn about your market and its features?
• Define your TAM, SAM and target market by name.
• What is the approximate customer base or value of your TAM,
SAM and target market?
• Are there any other features, like competitors, growth rate, or
maturity that are of interest?
• Feel free to insert charts, graphs or tables that you found useful.
Team #
Business Model Canvas
Revise to reflect what you
learned this week:
• What customer need are
we satisfying or what
customer problem are
we solving?
• What value to we deliver
to the customer?
• Why will the customer
choose our product/
technology over others?
Revise to reflect what you
• Who does our
technology create value
• What traits do they have
in common?
• Have you found any
customer segments that
will not buy?