Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan: Career & Research Development

Career development: The diversity of the institutions and student bodies participating in this grant and the
collaborative nature of this project will provide an ideal mentoring opportunity for the postdoctoral
scholar. Mentoring of the postdoctoral fellow will include training of techniques used in INSERT
TECHNIQUES OR SKILL SET FOCUS, both critical to increasing the scope of the postdoc’s research
program. By joining the Hunter College academic community and the CUNY Graduate Center’s
Postdoctoral Developmental Program, career development will include workshops on grant writing,
career planning, and ethical research practices. We are committed to advising postdocs as they seek
employment beyond this project and helping them determine the appropriate position for their interests
and skills. Interactions among the two very different institutions will illuminate the benefits and
challenges associated with different career paths (i.e. smaller college, research university).
One challenge that postdocs often face is a smooth integration of their advanced research skills
and background into a new department where they are neither part of a “cohort”, nor are they “faculty”. A
concerted effort will be made to incorporate the researcher into the academic community of the
institution. Formally, this will include a presentation at the PI’s departmental seminar series and at least
one other related department on campus (e.g. LIST APPLICABLE DEPARTMENTS FOR
PRESENTATIONS). The postdoctoral fellow will also be introduced to the diverse seminar course
offerings and discussion groups within the departments, and encouraged to attend.
We also realize that postdocs are still training in professional practices, such as time management,
working with collaborators, and interacting with editors. Indeed, training in project and personnel
management is a common shortcoming of postdoctoral training. In addition to expectations to conduct
researching research and teaching, the PI also has extensive experience with administrative and
managerial responsibilities. PIs INSERT PI’S NAME will work closely with INSERT POST-DOCS
NAME to devise independent student research projects, facilitating experience in advising student
research and supporting the postdoc with CHOOSE ONE (his or her) academic career.
Publications: PI INSERT PI’S NAME, with a combined total of INSERT NUMBER OF
PUBLICATIONS peer-reviewed publications, will guide the INSERT POST-DOCS NAME in planning a
framework for both finishing unpublished manuscripts from PICK ONE(his or her) past graduate research
while preparing new manuscripts from the current project in a timely manner for submission. IF
APPLICABLE We have budgeted for inter/national conference attendance and travel in order to present
research at scientific meetings and create opportunities for networking with members of the community
more broadly.
Outreach: The postdoc will be actively involved in the implementation of the student training and
mentorship OR OTHER OUTREACH/BROADER IMPACT ACTIVITY. Additionally, s/he will provide
open-public talks at the INSERT PLACES TO GIVE PUBLIC TALK to promote scientific interaction
with the diverse communities of New York City.
Preparation of grants: In preparation for her/his academic career after the completion of this proposed
work, the postdoctoral fellow will be expected to submit at least one extramural research grant per year
throughout the duration of this project. This may include proposals stemming from the current project,
proposals for continued postdoctoral or postdoc-faculty transitional funding (e.g., NSF, NIH NRSA,
K99/R00, Human Frontiers Science Program grants).