Instructions for uploading this copy

Instructions for Uploading a PDF version of a Medical Thesis
For help creating a single file, PDF version of your thesis, please contact your
personal librarian.
Logging In:
1. Use the login page to manage your YMTDL submission process. Bookmarking
this page is recommended.
2. Click on the link to create a user ID and password. Write down the
combination you create. (Although you can use your Net ID and Net ID
password, if you change your Net ID password, this system does not respond to a
centralized change).
3. Once you have begun submitting your thesis , abstract, and text, you will be able
to use the same username and password to make changes until your submission is
4. The security system used by the submission process requires that your browser
support and allow cookies.
View YMTDL thesis status
The submission process uses a persistent ETD (electronic Thesis and Dissertation) Status
message to keep you aware of what you've already done, and what still needs to be done
to complete your submission. You should also use this status window to navigate among
the different steps of the submission process.
In order for your YMTDL submission to be considered complete, students must:
1. Enter all title page information (author, title, your contact information after
graduation, at least one keyword, etc.).
2. Enter your primary advisor as well as any secondary advisors in the Committee
Members section of the submission form (Note: In the Yale system, advisors
perform the function of a committee; your Committee Chair is your advisor).
3. Upload your thesis file, the full text PDF version of the thesis with abstract, text,
figures, figure legends in place, and references. This should be the final version
of the thesis sent for printing or binding.
4. Select an access option that corresponds identically to your bound thesis
submission document and click agree. (The paper submission document in the
Office of Student Research is considered the authority if the YMTDL version
Notes on uploading files
Additional files not in the thesis (microarrays, other data sets) may be included as
supplements and added as a second file.
When uploading files, please create filenames that do not contain any spaces or
slashes. (use a dash or underscore to separate name elements).
You thesis PDF should automatically have a .pdf file extension. Please use the
native file extensions of data sets.
If you want your thesis and files in a given order, name them with two digit
numeral codes (e.g. 02dataset.csv).
Entering Abstract
Please copy and paste your abstract into the abstract field in your browser window. Be
aware that special characters such as é and symbols such as §, often will not copy
correctly if you cut and paste them into the web form. Instead of these special characters,
you should use the equivalent html/xml entity (
Starting Over
If you would like to stop work on a submission and completely start over, the "Start
Over" link in the ETD Status block that appears on most pages will give you the ability to
completely remove all of the files and information you have already added and start
For help in creating a single file, PDF version of your thesis, or any other help needed,
please contact your personal librarian or YMTDL Project Co-Director Charles Greenberg
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