Strategic Plan for KSU Sturgis Library

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Chris Sharpe
MLIS 7200
Week 6 Strategic Plan
Summer 2006
Strategic Plan for Kennesaw State University's Sturgis Library
Kennesaw State University (KSU) has grown a lot in the past ten years to become
the third largest state university in Georgia. It has over 18,000 students and 55 academic
programs. KSU has a new president, Dr. Dan Papp, and has added new graduate
programs in Teaching and Social work to go along with current graduate programs of
Accounting, Conflict Management, Professional Writing, Nursing, Information Science
and a few others. A few minors have also been added in past few years and they include
Film Studies, Gender Studies and Professional Practice with Hispanic Populations.
Sturgis Library is a four story building located at the center of campus. Along
with the library’s resources the building includes a rare book room, art gallery, University
Archives, Hispanic Resource Center, and the Presentation Technology Department. The
fourth floor of the library also includes the Center for University Learning Department,
Math lab and ESL department, however, they will move out of the library this winter
2006 when the new Social Science building is completed. Sturgis library needs to
respond to these changes and the growth at KSU by implementing a strategic plan for the
next two years. The plan will focus on areas that the library can improve upon in near
Planning Committee:
CIO Dr. Randy Hinds
Chief Librarian Robert Williams
Associate Director Dr. David Evans
Assistant Director (Technical) Alan Lebish
Assistant Director (Public Services) Betty Childres
Librarian Dewi Wilson
Librarian Martha Henry-Croom
Librarian Barbara Milam
Library Paraprofessional II Rita Spisak
Plan Process:
The committee will be made up of administrators, librarians and paraprofessionals
and will meet a total of four times. The first meeting will break the members into groups:
Group A will be Assistant Director Alan Lebish, Librarian Dewi Wilson and Librarian
Barbara Milam; Group B will be Assistant Director Betty Childres, Librarian Martha
Henry-Croom and Library Paraprofessional II Rita Spisak. These two groups will be
assigned to brainstorm ideas on a mission statement, goals and objectives.
The second meeting will have the groups present their ideas. The CIO, Chief
Librarian and Associate Director will give their feedback and a discussion will take place
on the issue of goals. The third meeting will have the members agree on a mission
statement and a set of goals. The last meeting will be the presentation of the strategic
plan and include any final adjustments if needed. Dr. Evans and Dewi Wilson will be
responsible for the actual writing of the plan as decided by the committee.
The strategic plan will be reviewed by the committee in August 2007 and
have a final review during the beginning of 2008. A process for a new five year strategic
plan will take place in the Fall of 2008. This new strategic plan should include an
analysis using the SWOT (Strength and Weaknesses within the organization and
Opportunities and Threats from the outside) technique and consider the PEST (Political,
Environmental, Social and Technological forces) situation.
August 2006:
Introduction and group arrangements
September 2006:
Groups present ideas to committee and discuss issues
October 2006:
Finalize mission statement, goals and objectives
November 2006:
Present plan
August 2007:
Review plan’s progress
January 2008:
Final review of plan’s progress
Mission Statement:
The Sturgis library supports and advances the teaching and learning activities of
the greater Kennesaw State University community by providing access to an extensive
collection of resources and by providing excellent service to the students, faculty, staff
and other members of the Kennesaw State University community.
Goal 1: Support graduate programs by providing resources and services for
graduate students
Objective 1:
Build Graduate Library
Action 1: Transform part of the 4th floor of the library into a
Graduate Library (May 2007)
Action 2: Purchase resources for Graduate Library
(June 2007 and ongoing)
Action 3: Set up Graduate Library (August 2007)
Objective 2:
Promote Graduate Library
Action 1: Produce pamphlets and website describing Graduate
Library's collection and services (August 2007)
Action 2: Librarians conduct introduction workshop to graduate
faculty (September 2007)
Action 3: Librarians arrange Bibliographic Instruction classes for
graduate students (September 2007 and ongoing)
GOAL 2: Improve Electronic Services
Objective 1: Hire new IT librarian
Action 1: Create job description and advertise (December 2006)
Action 2: Interview applicants (January 2007)
Action 3: Hire librarian (February 2007)
Objective 2: Provide space for new computer lab
Action 1: Transform part of 4th floor into a computer lab
(May 2007)
Action 2: IT department will supply computers and equipment
(June 2007)
Action 3: IT will staff computer lab (June 2007 and ongoing)
GOAL 3: Build Film Collection
Objective 1: Increase DVD film collection
Action 1: Seek DVD recommendations from faculty
(January 2007)
Action 2: Prepare space in library reserves (February 2007)
Action 3: Purchase and catalog DVDs (March – May 2007)
Objective 2: Provide improved video viewing area
Action 1: Determine new viewing area space (January 2007)
Action 2: Purchase furniture and equipment (February 2007)
Action 3: Prepare viewing area for use (April 2007)