Reserach Paper Guideline

HIST 4490: Premodern Japan Paper Guideline
Students enrolled in this course are required to submit a research paper (approximately 3000words) that
deals some aspect of Japanese history within the framework of this course (before 1600). Students may
elect to write a traditional research paper or a historiographical essay.
For general tips on writing a history research paper or a historiographical essay, consult
If you elect to write a research paper: Your paper must have a clear thesis.
 There are many primary sources that are translated into English. I encourage you to
use primary sources, as well as secondary sources.
If you elect to write a historiographical essay:
merely a collection of summaries of sources.
Your essay should consist of your analysis of sources, not
To find sources:
First look for BOOKS. Try the KSU library catalog first. If you cannot find anything at the KSU
library, you can try GIL (Georgia Interconnected Libraries) Universal Catalog and/or WorldCat and request a
book(s) be sent to KSU via GIL Express or interlibrary loan.
You may consult an encyclopedia, but it will not be counted as a source.
Online sources can be used only if they are online version of printed materials. For example, you can
use an article from the New York Times since you can get the same article either in a printed or online
version. You should be able to identify the author, name of the article / journal / book, and the date it was
published. Open information sites or forums, such as Wikipedia, cannot be used since there is no single
author and no way to verify the accuracy or credibility of the information provided. Web Blogs and
similar open forums are also not considered valid sources unless I approve them in advance.
You are encouraged to use appropriate primary sources. Use of online primary sources or scripture
is permissible as long as you cite the source appropriately.
• Electronic KSU Library Resources – Ask a librarian if you need help:
• o For academic journal articles, try JSTOR and Project Muse.
• o For newspapers, try LexisNexis, and ProQuest.
• o For magazines, try Proquest.
• Internet secondary sources without an identifiable author and the date when the
document was written will not count for this project.
• You need to make copies of all the written materials you use and print out any web based
information. This will need to be turned in with your report. See below.
Your paper must be double spaced with no more than a standard 12 point font (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial
etc.). The margin should be 1 inch on all sides. Be sure to include Bibliography.
History and History Education majors: Use Chicago style citation with footnotes.
Other majors: Please come see me and make prior arrangement or use Chicago style citation with footnotes.
Plagiarism Do NOT plagiarize! Plagiarism can be defined 1) failure to cite quotations and borrowed ideas 2)
failure to use quotation marks to indicate borrowed language 3) failure to use your own words for summaries
and paraphrases. Remember even if you did not use direct quotes, you must provide citations. Plagiarized
papers will receive a grade of zero and you WILL automatically fail the course and be turned in to the
appropriate school authorities for further punishment.
Submitting Your Paper
Your paper is due on ___________. You are required to submit both a printed copy and an electronic copy
through D2L dropbox. If you failed to submit an electronic copy, it will not be graded. For printed copy,
include ONE sample page from each source you have used (preferably the area you have quoted or
paraphrased). Label the sample page with author’s name. Please be prepared to provide sources upon your
instructor’s request.
Papers without attached documents will not be graded. Please Staple pages together.
No late papers will be accepted unless you have an absolutely compelling reason that prevents you from
completing the assignment on time. Contact your instructor as soon as possible (before the deadline) if you
encounter a situation that may warrant extended time and the Instructor will decide if the event warrants an
extension. Please note that approved late papers will incur a grade penalty. The amount of the penalty will be
at your instructor’s discretion.