Request to Use Personal Electronic Devices for Class Use Name _________________________________________________________

Request to Use Personal Electronic Devices for Class Use
For Dr. Racel's History courses
Name _________________________________________________________
Class: ________________________________________________________
Semester / Year _________________________________________________
Class Meeting Days / Time ___________________________________________________
Requested Devices
□ Voice Recorder
□ Laptop Computer
□ IPad or other tablet computer (without keyboard)
□ IPad or other tablet computer (with keyboard attachment)
Intended Use (check all that apply)
□ Recording lectures
□ Taking class notes.
□ Accessing e-books or documents
Terms of Use:
Use of an electronic device listed above can be only used for the purposed indicated above. You must
refrain from accessing any email, social media, playing games or any other activities not related to class. If
your instructor finds you engaged in unrelated activities using your personal electronic device, you will not
only be counted absent, but you will not be allowed to use the device for the remainder of the semester.
Use of these devices is for your personal use only. You are not allowed to transfer, share, loan, sell, trade
or in any other manner provide copies, either written or electronic of the recorded lectures, to any third
party without the instructor's prior written consent.
No students will be allowed to have access to any of these devices while taking in-class exams or quizzes.
I, ______________________________, understand and agree to comply with these rules; failure to comply
with these rules will result in termination of permission to use these devices.
Your Signature (REQURIED) _____________________________________________Date _________________