Reflective Planning for Learning RUBRICS EDUC 3308 F05 Names Part I: Management Considerations Grouping How will instruction occur? Can the grouping method(s) indicated be managed effectively as the lesson is described? If so, how do you know? If not, what would you do differently and how would you manage it? Materials 0-1 2-3 No reference to existing lesson plan. Methods described are not justified and/or are modifications are inappropriate. Information indicates misunderstanding of management concepts. 0-1 4 Existing lesson described clearly. Methods described are justified and/or modified appropriately using applicable information that indicates understanding of management concepts. Any modifications made are described clearly. 2 3 What materials are needed for the teacher and the students? Handouts and/or manipulatives? What other materials will the teacher provide? How will these materials be made available and/or distributed? Needed materials are not identified and/or discussed. List of materials needed seems complete and justified. Materials distribution is not addressed or is not managed well and may disrupt instruction and learning. How will these materials be collected and restocked for the next class if needed? The collection of materials is not addressed or is not managed well and may disrupt instruction and learning. Discussion of materials distribution takes into account appropriate management considerations so that instruction and learning are facilitated. Discussion of the collection of materials takes into account appropriate management considerations so that instruction and learning are facilitated. Discussion What type of discussion will occur during the lesson? Can the discussion as described be managed to minimize noise yet maximize participation and formative (ongoing, on-the-fly) assessment opportunities? If so, how do you know? If not, what would you differently and how would you manage it? 0-1 No reference to existing lesson plan. Methods described are not justified and/or modifications are inappropriate. Information indicates misunderstanding of management concepts. 2-3 4 Existing lesson described clearly. Methods described are justified and/or modified appropriately using applicable information that indicates understanding of management concepts. Any modifications made are described clearly. 1 Movement Does the lesson involve opportunities for the teacher and/or students to move around – getting into and out of groups, visiting centers, monitoring student learning and behavior, etc.? Can this movement as described be managed effectively to minimize crowding, chaos, and intrusion and yet maximize efficiency? If so, how do you know? If not, what would you differently and how would you manage it? Special needs With the population of your classroom in mind, what, if any, are the management considerations that would help meet the needs of all learners? Other Are there any other management considerations that need to be addressed – other procedures, special situations, safety, preventative measures, etc.? 0-1 4 Existing lesson described clearly. Methods described are not justified and/or modifications are inappropriate. Information indicates misunderstanding of management concepts. . Methods described are justified and/or modified appropriately using applicable information that indicates understanding of management concepts. Any modifications made are described clearly. 0-1 2-3 Management considerations for special needs and diverse populations are not addressed. Methods suggested are entirely inappropriate and/or unsupported. Misunderstanding of management concepts is indicated. 0 No other management issues that need to be addressed are identified. Mechanics 1 Organization Choppy, disorganization makes document difficult to read. More than one spelling and/or grammatical errors. Spelling and Grammar 2-3 No reference to existing lesson plan. 4 All management considerations for special needs and diverse populations are addressed. Methods suggested are appropriate and supported with information that indicates an understanding of management concepts. 2-3 4 Other management issues are identified and addressed appropriately. 4 Well organized as written. Flows well. No spelling and/or grammatical errors. Total = Comments: 2 Reflective Planning for Learning RUBRICS EDUC 3308 F05 Part II: Learning Theories and Instruction Learning Theory(ies) List the learning theory(ies) applied to the instruction in your lesson plan. For each theory, describe the instructional methods that demonstrate the application of that theory, explaining why you believe the theory is being employed. Instruction If you believe some or all of the instructional methods are effective, explain why, citing what you have learned about learning theory and instruction in class and in your reading. If you believe some or all of the instructional methods could be more effective by employing other learning theories, explain what you would do to change the lesson, citing what you have learned about learning theory and instruction in class in and your reading. Mechanics Organization Spelling and Grammar 0-5 6-8 9-10 Learning theories not identified or misidentified. Learning theory(ies) correctly identified. Relationship between strategies described and identified learning theory(ries) not accurate. Misunderstanding of learning theory(ies) clearly indicated. Identification of learning theory(ies) accurately supported with description of instructional strategies. Clear evidence of understanding of how learning theories are employed in instruction. 0-5 6-8 9-10 Methods as described in plan are wholly inconsistent with appropriately applied learning theory, yet left unchanged. Instructional methods identified as effective are supported with accurate information regarding implementation of learning theory in the classroom. Methods described in plan were effective and consistent with appropriately applied learning theory, yet changed so that they are less so, or changes to methods reflect poor or misunderstanding of appropriately applied learning theory. Changes as described reflect accurate and insightful knowledge of learning theory as applied to create effective and appropriate instruction. 0-1 Choppy, disorganization makes document difficult to read. More than one spelling and/or grammatical errors. 2-4 5 Well organized as written. Flows well. No spelling and/or grammatical errors. Total = Comments: 3 Reflective Planning for Learning RUBRICS Part III: Motivation and Differentiation Motivation 0-1 Motivational strategies What about the lesson – of lesson not identified instructional strategies, or misidentified. content, evaluation, etc. – is motivating to students? (If there is nothing motivating about the lesson, state this.) Application of Why do you believe these knowledge of aspects of the lesson are motivation is applied motivating? Explain citing incorrectly. Evidence information learned in class of poor or and in your reading. misunderstanding of What would you do to increase the motivational strategies in this lesson? Describe your strategies using appropriate application of material from class and from your books. Differentiation What parts of the lesson address different learning styles and intelligences (as in Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences)? How do you know? How could you further differentiate the instruction to include different learning styles and multiple intelligences? How are special needs and diverse students accommodated in the lesson? How could you further accommodate these students? EDUC 3308 F05 2-4 Reasons why strategies identified in lesson are motivating to students are valid. Clear evidence of understanding of motivational theory and application. Modifications to lesson to increase motivational strategies are appropriate and supported by knowledge of motivational theory. motivational theory and application. Lesson not modified if needed and/or proposed changes are inappropriate and/or not supported with accurate knowledge of motivational theory. 0-1 5-6 Motivational strategies (or lack of them) in the lesson as it exists are correctly identified. 2-4 5-6 Differentiated activities not identified or incorrectly identified. Strategies that indicate differentiation of instruction (or lack of it) correctly identified. Proposed methods for differentiating instruction are inappropriate and/or not supported by accurate knowledge. Proposed methods for differentiating instruction are valid and supported by knowledge of learning styles and multiple intelligences. Methods for accommodating special populations (or lack thereof) are correctly identified. Proposed methods for accommodating special populations are valid and supported by knowledge of learning styles and multiple intelligences. Methods for accommodating special populations are not identified or incorrectly identified. Proposed methods for accommodating special populations are inappropriate and/or not supported by accurate knowledge. 4 Mechanics Organization Spelling and Grammar 0-1 Choppy, disorganization makes document difficult to read. More than one spelling and/or grammatical errors. 2-3 4 Well organized as written. Flows well. No spelling and/or grammatical errors. Total = Comments: 5