Management Notebook Instructions

Classroom Management Document Notebook
Classroom Management Document Notebook: Your classroom management
document notebook should be a representation your CPR3 poster in notebook form. It
will serve to inform the instructor’s evaluation of your poster, providing more detail as
necessary. If you have used existing plans, worksheets, activities, etc. off the web or
from other resources, you must reference them appropriately. (Evaluation of this
assignment is included in the CPR3)(Diversity)
The notebook should include the following, not necessarily in this order:
1. Description of hypothetical population of students.
2. Attention to the diversity and special needs.
3. Documentation of strategies/activities to establish and maintain
relationships with parents and students.
4. Classroom rules and logical consequences for broken rules.
5. Classroom procedures and routines.
6. A diagram and description of classroom layout along with the rationale
for the design.
7. Summary of peer feedback from CPR3 project and reflection on the
feedback. (Do not include peer feedback forms.)
Additional Information
All documents in your notebook should be original. Although you will find a lot of
information, including ready-made letters, handouts, and forms, you should “repurpose” them so that they are best suited to your classroom. (Please remember to
cite the sources of your information appropriately, giving credit where credit is due!)
Include a summary of the feedback you received from your peers. Reflect on this
feedback, responding to suggestions and encouragement. Address any considerations
for modifying your plan that might have been prompted by your review of other
management presentations.
How to Turn It In
You may turn this assignment in by handing in a folder or paper notebook (not a 3ring binder, please)