SWE3633 Assignment #4 1. This assignment is worth 30 points 2. It is meant to be completed by approximately 3-4 “people-teams.” 3. The written part is due on 4/21/2015 class period. Late paper will lose 20%. After 4/23/2015 class period, it will be a zero. (Note: If you only turn in the paper but do not present in class, you will lose 25% of the grade.) 4. Class presentations of your team-solutions will be on 4/21 and 4/23 class periods (ppt. format). We will be drawing for presentation slots. 5. Problem description: Form a team and re-evaluate the Solar System Requirements and High Level Design done so far. Your team needs to agree on a “new” High Level Design. Extend your team design into partial implementation of the Solar System. - Think about the Solar System Requirements, Solar System Design that you have done, and find some partners that would work with you in terms of design, and code of the solar system as a team. - With a new “team” you may rethink of the requirements and the design that your team jointly want to portray. Take the “new” high level design into detailed design. The detailed design may focus on just that part of the requirements and of the high level design that your team plans to implement. - Your team implementation may be only a part of the requirements and high level design but must include minimally the Static System, including the following : a) Display the static picture of the planetary system b) Be able to get and display the “information” about any planet and sun (via the movement of a pointer or clicking of the mouse, etc.) c) The planets all have different colors for easier identification. - Note that the more your team implements (e.g. rotate, zoom, voice, orbit, etc.), the more competitive your team will be relative to other teams. - Consider at least one non-functional requirement: performance speed. Discuss how your design satisfies, under max of 30 simultaneous users’ situation, the response time of less than 1 second for any activity.) 6. Even though your implementation is only a part of the desired Solar System, still show your whole design at both the (i) architectural level (using one or combination of the styles described in class lecture ) and (ii) at the mid-level (using class diagram, interaction diagram, state diagram, etc. ---- at least class and interaction diagrams). 7. Explain why you chose the architectural style and explain your detailed design. 8. Also, make a summary presentation of your design with power-point slides, along with a “quick-demo of your implementation of part of the design.” For your ppt. presentation/demo, each team has about 15-20 minutes to present your design solution to the class. So practice and time your presentation.