SWE2313 Assignment #1 This is an individual assignment worth 20 points. It is due by the “classperiod” of 8/27/ 2014. Late paper will lose 10%. Any Assignment #1 not turned in by the class-period of 9/3/2014 will just receive a zero. Part A) --- 15 points • Write a program in your “favorite” language that will accept numerical numbers as inputs, compute the average, and output the answer. (this problem-statement is purposely left a bit “vague” for you to think about and restate the problem ---- e.g. What if the input is non-numeric? or How accurate should the answer be? ) • Keep track of your work time (start-to-end “elapsed” time) and effort (in person-hours). • Turn in your i) enhanced problem statements, ii) program listing and iii) “some proof” via testing that it works. Part B) --- 5 points Answer the following questions (see class discussion): • How long (total elapsed time) did it take you to implement this solution? • How much overall effort (in person-hours) did this take? • Does your solution match the problem? (Explain – not just y/n) • How “good” is your solution? (Explain --- relate to part A - 3rd bullet above)