November 6, 2009

UVU Academic
IT Steering Committee
November 6, 2009
Meeting Notes
Attendees: Kevin Young, Keith Mulbery, Dave Andrus, Bonnie Henrie, Ray Walker, Toni Harris, Mike Taylor,
Robert Ward, Laura Busby, Bruce Wilson, David Jordan, Marc Hugentobler, Ursula Sorensen, Abraham Teng,
Bart Jacobs, Carlos Alarco, Maureen Andrade, Vickie Walker
Guest: Eva Bernfeld
Smart Classroom Requests― $550,000 has been approved for media-enhanced classrooms. Laura sent
the spreadsheet of the requests by email. Laura attached the requests to Eva’s room inventory, then
inserted numbers for utilization (snapshot picture of when a room is scheduled with an academic class),
prime-time 9am to 1pm, difference of $1000 in cost is for computer that would be supported by the
area tech. Considerations—will it make the room more desirable and increase enrollment capabilities
(space utilization); what is the room’s current infrastructure and future upgrade capability; which rooms
need to be just the basic standard; how many faculty are using laptops, adjuncts are not making full use
of media-enhanced classrooms because they don’t have the laptop. The equipment in LC222 needs to
be replaced (equipment moved and not replaced). We should also look at smaller podiums. Other
factors include cost (goes down with bulk buy); staff/personnel factor; maintenance; and end of life
projector replacement dollars. A recommendation was made to plan for replacement costs for
equipment and light bulbs and to support Travis if he makes a request for personnel in PBA. We can save
time and labor costs if we standardize as much as possible. ACTION ITEM: Laura will send the
spreadsheet back out with dollar amounts. Committee members need to review the priorities and
adjust the packages if needed and decide if we want all rooms with basic package or less rooms with
more in the package. There is an issue with the computers in the classrooms, who maintains. Travis’s
staff is not equipped to support them. If the area tech can’t support it, then no computer should be
purchased. Ray indicated they have been looking at virtualization with a thin client (have a committee
that is evaluating, would cost about $300 per computer) and looking at applications issues, etc. or we
might want to invest in a netbook for $300, which might be a better way to go. They are still looking at
options and it is up for discussion. The main consideration is to have a consistent environment. The
decision will be made in the December time frame.
Project Status―
 Some enhancements have been made for SRIs such as automatic email, etc.
 R25 web viewer is progressing
 Student portfolio is in wait and see mode (President’s cabinet will not purchase system until we
see what happens with the faculty portfolio) after the first of the year they will start drafting
requirements and looking at issues for the student portfolio
 Technology exception forms should be sent to Laura for her review so she can make
recommendations to Moh.
Faculty Portfolio―They missed the Nov.3 target date to create accounts. Digital Measures is working on
this and Laura has submitted changes to the format such as adding a building code field and subjects
that can be taught field. The server on campus is ready to go for file storage on campus. ACTION ITEM:
Laura will create accounts for committee members; she has already created a test account (Laura will
send information after today’s meeting for login). Committee members need to look at the video and
the guide to see if they are adequate. Permanent and yearly data will be populated by extracts, if users
put in the info it will be overwritten by Banner. We will hide fields for AACSB for everyone except faculty
in the School of Business. There are some copyright questions. We are in the process of creating a
copyright system that would require an appropriate credential to access. We will be pursuing single sign-
on for the portfolio system.
Lab Utilization—ACTION ITEM: Laura would like each of the areas to submit a list of labs for each
school and whether or not there is lab utilization software running on the computers (by Tuesday or
Wednesday next week). Dave Tobler is close to a selection of software (look at MACs).
Win7 Implementation Plan and Training—The Desktop committee will have a plan and timeframe by
next meeting. Licensing has changed with Win 7 for the university. We will be bringing technical training
on campus for Win 7. Darel Hawkins is working on this. We are also working on milestones for
Computer Shop—Kakeau now reports to Dave Tobler. We know there has been concern about the
computer shop in the past. In Kevin’s recent purchase, they compared service level agreements and
recommended purchase from Dell (did an exception form); however, the VPs are mandating that we buy
from the Computer Shop in the future, however we also need to document and keep track of issues,
both the good and the bad. There is a savings of $100 per computer right now if we buy through the
Computer Shop. The VPs will look at their decision again if it falls under $50. The Computer Shop needs
to have consistency in good quality product. ACTION ITEM: Send your documented experience with the
Computer Shop to Laura and she will aggregate and report monthly on progress.
Committee Mission/Vision Statement—We need coordination between Student Services and Academic
areas. It is the committee members responsibility to take information back and have dialog with their
areas. The committee agreed to shorten the committee name and change it to “Academic Technology
Friday, December 4
10 a.m. to Noon