Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules

Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
Chem/Biochem 4595 Fall Semester, 1998
Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
Paul S. Russo
Choppin 242
Tel: 388-5729
e-mail: (this site is very reliable) (this site is pretty unreliable)
Office Hours: Just drop in any time. Occasionally, I may ask you to reschedule.
This course introduces the fundamentals of polymer solution behavior. For better or
worse, it also serves as an introduction to polymers generally. In this evolving science
mistakes are often made--in books, literature, seminars and meetings and even lectures
(gasp!). Thus, in addition to providing a useful working knowledege of the subject as it is
now understood, it is hoped that a solid basis for critical evaluation of current and future
research will be established.
Text: No textbook is required. However, the book Giant Molecules by Grosberg and
Khokhlov is available in the bookstore; it provides an entertaining overview by two really
expert polymer physicists.
Reserve Texts In Chemistry Library. You must ask for these by call number. Starred
entries have served as textbooks for this course in the past and, therefore, may be of
special interest.
P. C. Hiemenz, Polymer Chemistry--The Basic Concepts, Marcel
Dekker, Inc. (1984).
R. J. Young, Introduction to Polymers, Chapman & Hall (1981,83).
Includes morphology & some elementary rheology. Not a bad book to
fall asleep reading at bedtime, but polymer books are generally poorer
choices for this purpose than, say, organic chemistry texts.
P. J. Flory, Principles of Polymer Chemistry. The Bible. Written in 1953,
by eventual Nobelist, it is still very valuable. Many of the seminal ideas in
polymer science are found here. Like all Flory work, it is lucidly
The notation is something of a standard
Tanford, Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules, Wiley (1961).
Tanford is a solid book that clearly presents the basics.
Despite its age, it is still often cited. The notation and symbols are
sometimes non-standard, but do not let this get in your way.
F. W. Billmeyer, Textbook of Polymer Science. Useful at times. More
information about polymers as materials than some others.
Yamakawa, Modern Theory of Polymer Solutions (out of print now).
If you like lots of equations, are interested mostly in dilute solutions, and
already know something of the subject, here is your text! Have a look.
K. E. Van Holde, Physical Biochemistry. A pocket size book, slicker than
Tanford with much of the same information in a highly appealing form.
Try reading this whenever nothing else makes sense. Strongly recommended.
H. Morawetz, Macromolecules in Solution. Sort of a cross
between Tanford and Billmeyer. Less development.......more resultsoriented. A good place to check before embarking on a new line of
research, since there are polymer-specific results and lots of references to
the old literature.
J. D. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers. We will refer to this
when and if we get to viscoelastic behavior. It is comprehensively written
by the pioneer in the field.
P. J. Flory, Statistical Mechannics of Chain Molecules. The title is very
descriptive. How to predict the behavior of macromolecules. We won't
too much with it, but look anyway.
P. G. de Gennes, Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics. A collection
of thoughts from one of the most imaginative minds in modern
polymer science. In vivid contrast to Flory or Yamakawa, de Gennes'
approach is always simple--on the surface. The ideas that launched the
"French Revolution" polymer science and helped de Gennes win a Nobel
prize in Physics are presented.
E. G. Richards, An Introduction to Physical Properties of Large
Molecules in Solution, Cambridge Univ. Press (1981). This is a tersely
written book, with few flashy figures. Yet it provides very valuable
insights, is cheap, and has some good problems.
C. R. Cantor and P. R. Schimmel, Biophysical Chemistry,
Parts I - III. This is a fantastic series of books with extremely lucid
explanations of many aspects of polymer chemistry. Oriented
biopolymer community, it nevertheless provides valuable
polymers in general, and it is highly recommended.
towards the
insights for
The Chemistry Library has a pretty fair selection of polymer-oriented books. I strongly
recommend everyone to just stroll into the library and look at the titles on the shelves,
beginning at about QD380. Also, check out the Polymer Handbook and Encyclopedia of
Polymer Science.
EVERYONE in this class should at least scan the Chemistry Library's numerous
macromolecular journals. If nothing else, this will drive home the differences between
Macromolecular science and more routine areas of chemistry. Even though you have
studied Chemistry for four years, you will see unusual plots, learn new terms, and sense
the multidisciplinary nature of this subject. Literature study will also highlight the
differences between new research and the relatively established concepts learned in an
introductory course. The volume of Macromolecular literature published these days is
truly awesome. If you are a graduate student interested in polymers, you should join ACS
today and subscribe to Macromolecules. Actually, I have recently dropped my
Macromolecules subscription in favor of having LSU’s Reveal service send me table of
contents of several journals by e-mail. You may wish to try this option.
Useful journals:
Macromolecules; Macromolecular Chemistry (formerly Die Makromolekularie Chemie);
Biopolymers; J. Polymer Science (all editions, but especially the Polymer Physics
Edition); Polymer; Eur. Polym. J.; Brit. Polym. J.; J. Chem. Phys.; J. Colloid and
Interface Science, Langmuir, Biophysical Journal, Faraday Transactions II; Physics
Review Letters and Physics Review "E". The latter two are located in Middleton library.
 [the ACS Polymer Division Website] [the Macromolecular Studies Group website lists several
others; from the main page, click on "Links"]
Other Opportunities for Macromolecular Education at LSU
The LSU Macromolecular Studies Group consists of about 20 faculty in 6 departments
spread across the campus. Some time ago, the MSG met to determine core courses.
Successful completion of all four courses should provide a background suitable for
starting in almost any research situation involving polymers.
The Four Core courses recommended by LSU Macromolecular Studies Group:
 Chem 4595 (this course)
 Chem 4160 (Industrial Organic Chemistry)
 BCH 4596 (Biophysics of Macromolecules)
ChE 4285 (Fundamentals of High Polymers).
In addition to these courses, the Chemistry Department offers 2 lab courses, Chem 4695,
Physical Methods in Polymer Science, and Chem 7261, Polymerization and
Polycondensation Processes. Chemical Engineering and Chemistry occasionally offer
special topics courses at the 7000 level. Subjects may include theory, scattering, polymer
dynamics, behavior of viscoelastic materials, polymer processing, various forms of
spectroscopy applicable to polymers.
Each Fall, the Chemistry Department sponsors student seminars at 2 pm noon on Fridays
in Choppin 210. Graduate students are asked to speak. Their talks are very frequently
better than lectures from burned-out professors. Sometimes there are guest lecturers.
Students of this course can usually learn some new aspects of Macromolecular Chemistry
that cannot be covered in class. Also, watch the bulletin boards for polymer-related talks
sponsored by Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Macromolecular Studies Group. Most
seminars are posted on the MSG website:
Students who generate outstanding research results can ask to attend regional and national
meetings of the American Chemical Society or American Physical Society, and certain
other organized meetings. Limited funds for travel of this sort are available from the
Macromolecular Studies Group.
Grades, Exams, etc.
Homework: 40% (handed out at irregular intervals; returned even more sporadically)
Exams: 60% (2 midterms plus 1 final)
Extra credit: fogettaboutit!
Scale: There is no established scale. Historically, there are plenty of B's and more A's
than C's in this class.
Drop policy: If you are a graduate student, you should drop before taking a C or a D.
However, you need a great deal of permission (e.g., from Dr. Watkins) before you can
drop any class in your first semester. A good way to really mess up your graduate career
is to drop without permission.
You will know what to read by lecture content. Try to stay a little bit ahead. Read
LOTS of the books (you don't have to read them in great detail--read for questions, not for content). Try to
figure out why different authors approach the same material from such a different perspective and try to
distill the essence of the subject. Important dates appear at the bottom of the list.
Suggested Reading (*)
Cursory Inspection of all the books.
Math and thermodynamics
any Calculus book
Diff.Eq. text
Statistics and
Dimensions of Polymers
T 3.9, 3.10
H 1.9, 1.10, 1.11
F (1953)- X
F-(1969)[just inspect it]
deGennes I-III
T-4, R-3
for Polymers
H-8, 3.1-3.3
F-XII (1953)
V (early chapters)
deGennes: III
Molecular Weight
and Distribution;
T 5,6
Molecular Weights
R *7,8
H 8,9,10
R 8; T 6
C&S 10,11,12
F-XIV, Y (look)
degennes: VI
If we find time, possible choices are: dynamic light scattering, analytical ultracentrifugation,
polyelectrolyte behavior, new methods (e.g. MALDI, video/confocal microscopy), rheology, liquid crystals,
fractals, colloid-polymer interactions, etc.
(*) Key: T = Tanford H = Hiemenz V = VanHolde F = Flory Y = Yamakawa RJY = Young
R = Richards C&S = Cantor & Schimmel
August 27: Final date for adding courses for credit
September 9: Final date for dropping courses without receiving a grade of “W”
October 29-30: Fall Holiday
November 26-27: Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2-6: Concentrated study period
December 7-12: Final exam period
Tuesday, December 8: Final exam for this class, 7:30 - 9:30 *** (We may discuss an alternate time for
the final exam, if there is a more convenient choice for ALL class members)***