PACE GENERAL BOARD MEETING April 17, 2012 2:00 p.m. – SC 213a PACE Board Present: Alexis Palmer, Mark Wiesenberg, Leslie Farnsworth, Dru Huffaker, Mike Francis, Karen Cushing, Beth Winkler, Tim Rowley, Ursula Sorensen, Ked Black, Pam Petro, Laura Snelson, Margaret Bellon, Kris Coles, Marcy Glassford, Jolene Nuttall, Marsha Haynes, Mark Leany, Sherry Harward, Vegor Pedersen, Amy Baird Guest: Ronnie Price 1. Welcome and Call to Order. Alexis Palmer, PACE President, welcomed all board members and visitors. 2. Policies. The following policies were discussed and approved with noted revisions. Policy 301: There have been several conversations regarding protective class. This policy is currently being rewritten. 3. Staff Education & Development Funds. The Staff Education Fund provides up to $1,500 per staff member per year toward masters/doctorate degrees. The Staff Development Fund has a budget of $12,750. These funds reimburse departments for expenses used by individuals or groups for trainings and certifications. Individuals may receive up to $500, and groups may receive up to $750 per event. There is a desire to roll these two funds together. We have approached Val Petersen to ensure funds from Staff Development would not be lost if accounts are combined. Ron Price suggested notifying departments of the change so they can ask for PBA funds to cover training costs. PACE should consider supporting the Staff Development Fund for another year since PBA requests have already been submitted and approved for 2012-2013. Some departments have more set aside for training than others. The committee will prepare a proposal to combine funds. Karen Cushing made a motion to combine funds. Mark Wiesenberg seconded the motion. 4. Social Committee. The Social Committee would like to change the name of their committee to the PACE Social & Involvement Committee. In the future, they would like to make a PACE presentation at the new employee orientation meetings. They were advised to make a brochure that could be distributed for this purpose. It was also suggestion to expand committee members to include others who were not elected in the PACE general election process. Staff members who are willing to participate can sign up. The committee will look for ways for PACE to participate in the University Project of 2012 – Literacy and Numeracy. It was suggested to require or encourage service in PACE before someone can run for an elected office. Sherry Harward will write up procedures and a proposal, and submit it to Alexis for review. Committee members of all committees should be acknowledge on the PACE website. The Social & Involvement Committee would like to produce and distribute a newsletter. To be successful, a person of passion and commitment to PACE should be selected to create the newsletter. It may be helpful for the Communication Committee to add a suggestion box on the PACE website and promote attendance at General meetings. 5. Bylaws. Initial revisions will be made and additional responses will be solicited via email for the PACE bylaws. A quorum is needed for approval. Any change/revision requests should be sent to Mark Leany as soon as possible. The procedures manual will be posted on the website. 6. Employee Wellness Program. A big push for UVU employees to participate in the UVU Wellness program will begin on May 3rd. Incentives will be offered to those who participate. If anyone has questions, they can get more information on the Human Resources website. The Social Involvement Committee will encourage participation in this program. 7. Summer University. This annual event will be held from May 14-16. Monday activities will feature a family night at Boondocks. Cost will be $5.00 per person, for up to 8 people. The cost will include an all-youcan-eat buffet, 20 free tokens, and all events at the activity center. Regular admission is normally $21.95. Tuesday’s events will include a keynote speaker and workshops. Wednesday will be a day of service. Participants will engage in service at UVU and throughout the community. 8. UPAC. Recent UPAC meetings focused on committee work to clearly identify each UVU core theme. Linda Makin also explained the accreditation process and the accompanying ongoing administrative imperatives: 1) manage growth, 2) operate effectively, and 3) secure resources. 9. Senators. Alexis will send policy revisions to Ron and follow up regarding the policy pipeline. Marsha Haynes reported on the success of the Wolverine Sighting program. After the Summer University luncheon, distinguished employee recipients will be recognized. Our next meeting will be the annual PACE General Board meeting which will be held on June 19 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in Center Stage.