Requisition Tips

Requisition Tips
Banner FPAREQN Tips
When entering a new requisition, leave the requisition number box blank. A number will
automatically be assigned during the requisition process. If you need to edit a requisition,
remember to type R zero zero, not R oh oh.
To auto-fill the date, press any letter on the keyboard followed by Tab/Enter. Certain
navigation, including hitting tab too many times or clicking in the delivery date will cause the
date to not auto-fill. When this happens, simply type the date or select it using the date picker.
Use the COMMENTS field to enter information for the buyer, such as: Standing PO, New
Vendor, New Address, etc.
Ship To should always say UVU.
Attention To should always say the name of the person who actually requested the purchase.
Vendor entry tips
o Always select a Vendor, even if a Bid is going to be created.
o If the Vendor number cannot be found, put all of the information (Vendor Name,
Vendor Address, Vendor Phone No.) in the vendor field without the number. This is
very helpful for the buyer and the Vendor Name shows in the Buyer Queue.
o Vendor Name field is only 60 characters, but it does not warn you when you have
reached the end.
o You can also use the Contact and E-mail fields to put in address information.
o If you leave the Vendor field blank, you will get an error message when completing your
Commodity entry tips
o Enter LETTERS, not numbers.
o Replace the commodity default description with an actual description of the item.
o Use the same commodity code on every line.
o The Commodity Code determines the account code. Changing the Commodity Code will
not automatically correct the account code. You must record remove the FOAPAL and
re-enter it, then the Account Code will update.
o Do not include $0.00 commodity or FOAPAL lines.
FOAPAL entry tips
o If COA is blank, go back and enter it, then you can enter the index code.
o You can only use indexes for which you have Banner authorization.
o If Account code is invalid, look up the appropriate account code on the commodity
codes list.
o If you are completely stuck in any FOAPAL field, you can record remove the FOAPAL and
re-enter it.
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Totals on Commodity and FOAPAL don’t match
o When totals don’t match on Commodity and FOAPAL, control page up, then go back to
FOAPAL and it should update and match. If it doesn’t, update the total in the FOAPAL
Editing/Adjusting Requisitions
o You can edit a requisition that is complete but not approved.
o Purchasing cannot adjust requisitions after they have been completed.
o Once a requisition has been approved, it CANNOT be changed.
o Deleting Commodity/FOAPAL Lines
 Highlight the line you want to delete and press Shift-F6, click the record remove
button on the taskbar, or select remove from the record menu.
 If you can’t delete the line, you may need to complete the line with erroneous
information first.
Document Text Vs. Item Text
Document Text
o Document Text is intended for information pertaining to the entire document/order.
o Enter information which is needed by the vendor IF IT PERTAINS TO THE ENTIRE ORDER,
CERTAIN ITEM BEING ORDERED; enter this type of information in ITEM TEXT.
o Document Text can be used to list prospective vendors for a bid.
o Information entered in Document Text will not transfer to the bid.
o Do not enter information such as requests to hold checks in document text, because
Accounts Payable DOES NOT SEE document text.
o Document Text can be accessed from the Options menu from anywhere in the
Item Text
o Item Text works just like Document Text, EXCEPT that it connects the text directly to a
specific item being ordered.
o Use Item Text if you need more room to enter the item description, such as long part
numbers or detailed specifications.
o Access Item Text from the Options menu with the item to which it pertains highlighted.
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