HTML Formatting Pertemuan 09 Matakuliah : L0182 / Web & Animation Design

: L0182 / Web & Animation Design
: 2008
HTML Formatting
Pertemuan 09
Learning Outcomes
Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan
mampu :
• Membuat Web sederhana dengan menggunakan HTML
Bina Nusantara
Outline Materi
Text Formatting Tags
Changing the Font
HTML Background
HTML Images
Embedding Multimedia
HTML Colors
Bina Nusantara
Text Formatting Tags
<b> </b>
Defines bold text
<big> </big>
Defines big text
<em> </em>
Defines emphasized text
<i> </i>
Defines italic text
<small> </small>
Defines small text
<strong> </strong>
Defines strong text
<sub> </sub>
Defines subscripted text
<sup> </sup>
Defines superscripted text
Bina Nusantara
Text Formatting Tags (cont..)
Bina Nusantara
Changing the Font
• You can type <font face=“fontname1, fontname2”>, where
fontname2 is your second choice of fonts, should the user not have
the first font installed on his system.
• Size=“n”, where n is a number from 1 to 7. The default is 3.
• Values 1 to 7 for basefont correspond to 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36
points respectively.
Bina Nusantara
HTML Background
• The <body> tag has two attributes where you can specify
backgrounds. The background can be a color or an image.
• Bgcolor
– The bgcolor attribute specifies a background-color for an HTML page.
• Background
– The background attribute specifies a background-image for an HTML
page. If the image is smaller than the browser window, the image will
repeat itself until it fills the entire browser window.
Bina Nusantara
HTML Images
• In HTML, images are defined with the <img> tag.
• To display an image on a page, you need to use the src
attribute. The value of the src attribute is the URL of the
image you want to display on your page.
• The “alt” attribute is used to define an "alternate text" for
an image. The "alt" attribute tells the reader what he or
she is missing on a page if the browser can't load
Bina Nusantara
HTML Images (cont..)
<img src="hackanm.gif“ width="20" height="20">
<img src="hackanm.gif“ width="45" height="45">
<img src="hackanm.gif“ width="70" height="70">
Bina Nusantara
Embedding Multimedia
• One of the things that has made the Web so popular is
the fact that you can add graphics, sound, animations,
and movies to your Web pages.
Bina Nusantara
HTML Colors
• HTML colors can be defined as a hexadecimal notation
for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values
• The lowest value that can be given to one light source is
0 (hex #00) and the highest value is 255 (hex #FF).
Bina Nusantara
• Unordered List : the list items are marked with bullets
(typically small black circles).
– An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts
with the <li> tag.
• Ordered List : The list items are marked with numbers.
– An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with
the <li> tag.
Bina Nusantara
Lists (cont..)
• Definition List : This is a list of terms and explanation of
the terms.
– A definition list starts with the <dl> tag. Each definition-list term
starts with the <dt> tag. Each definition-list definition starts with
the <dd> tag.
• Inside a unordered list, ordered list, and definition-list
definition you can put paragraphs, line breaks, images,
links, other lists, etc.
Bina Nusantara
Different Types of Ordered & Unordered List
• Ordered Lists
<ol type="A">
<ol type="a">
<ol type="I">
<ol type="i">
• Unordered Lists
– <ul type="disc">
– <ul type="circle">
– <ul type="square">
Bina Nusantara
Nested List
Bina Nusantara