Animation and Sound Pertemuan 02 Matakuliah : L0182 / Web & Animation Design

: L0182 / Web & Animation Design
: 2008
Animation and Sound
Pertemuan 02
Learning Outcomes
Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan
mampu :
• Menunjukkan penggunaan Animasi dan Sound pada
Aplikasi Multimedia
Bina Nusantara
Outline Materi
2D Animation
3D Animation
Morphing and Warping
Frequency and Amplitude
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Animation and
Bina Nusantara
• Animation is a sequence of frames that, when played in
order at sufficient speed, presents a smoothly moving
image like a film or video.
Bina Nusantara
2D Animation
• 2D animation is the creation of moving pictures in a
two-dimensional environment. This is done by
sequencing consecutive images, or "frames", that
simulate motion by each image showing the next in a
gradual progression of steps.
• Two types of 2D animation :
– Cel animation : based on changes that occur from one frame to
the next
– Path animation : moves an object along a predetermined path
on the screen
Bina Nusantara
Cel Animation & Path Animation
Cel Animation
Bina Nusantara
Path Animation
3D Animation
• 3D animation is animating objects that appear in a
three-dimensional space. They can be rotated and
moved like real objects.
• The process of creating 3D computer graphics can be
sequentially divided into three basic phases :
– Modeling : the process of forming the shape of an object
– Animation : defining the object’s motion
– Rendering : the process of generating an image from a model,
by means of computer programs.
Bina Nusantara
Modeling and Rendering
Bina Nusantara
Animation Special Effects
• Morphing : a transformation of images. It is used in
many animations and movies to warp a first image into a
second image.
• Warping : the process of digitally manipulating an image
such that any shapes portrayed in the image have been
significantly distorted.
Bina Nusantara
Bina Nusantara
Bina Nusantara
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using
• Animation captures the imagination like no other tool, portraying
actions and spatial relationships that are not readily visible in reality
or that may not exist at all.
• Advantages
Attracts and holds attention
Show otherwise invisible actions or physical processes
Increases retention
Allows visualization of imagined concepts, objects and relationship
• Disadvantages
– Requires extensive memory and storage space
– Requires special equipment for a quality presentation
– 2D animation cannot depict actuality like video or photography
Bina Nusantara
• Sound is a rapid vibrations that are transmitted as
variations in air pressure.
• Described in terms of two characteristics :
– Frequency (or pitch)
– Amplitude
Time for one cycle
Bina Nusantara
along wave
Frequency and Amplitude
• Frequency
The rate at which sound is measured
Number of cycles per second or Hertz (Hz)
Determines the pitch of the sound as heard by our ears
The higher frequency, the clearer and sharper the sound  the
higher pitch of sound
• Amplitude
– Usually measured in decibels (dB)
– Sound’s intensity or loudness
– The louder the sound, the larger amplitude.
Bina Nusantara
Calculating The Size of Digital Audio
• The formula is as follows:
rate  duration  resolution  number of channels
• The answer will be in bytes
• Where:
– Sampling rate is in Hz
– Duration/time is in seconds
– Resolution is in bits (1 for 8
bits, 2 for 16 bits)
– Number of channels = 1 for
mono, 2 for stereo, etc.
Bina Nusantara
Audio Formats
• .WAV (Developed by IBM and Microsoft)
.AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
.MP3 (MPEG layer 3)
.SND (Mac)
.RA (RealAudio)
.WMA (Windows Media Audio)
.VOC (SoundBlaster)
Bina Nusantara
Software for Creating Audio
Adobe Audition
Cakewalk Pro Audio
Bina Nusantara
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Audio
• Sound adds life to any multimedia application and plays
important role in effective marketing presentations
• Advantages
– Ensure important information is noticed
– Add interest
– Can communicate more directly than other medi
• Disadvantages
– Easily overused
– Requires special equipment for quality production
– Not as memorable as visual media
Bina Nusantara