Create New Academic Policy

General Guidelines for
Proposal to Create a New Academic Policy
 This form is used to establish university academic policies such as those included in the Academic
Requirements and Regulations section of the undergraduate catalog.
 A proposal to create a new academic policy at the program or college/school/departmental/unit level
should be submitted using the proposal to revise a program.
 Proposals to establish new academic policies are action items.
 Item 1 should briefly state the proposed academic policy.
 Item 2 should state the proposed policy to be printed in the catalog and proposed section of the catalog
to print the policy.
 Item 3 should cite specific justification for the proposed academic policy including supporting data, if
appropriate. Is the proposed academic policy related to a state or federal regulation or other governing
or oversight agencies?
 Item 4 should indicate the impact on any related existing policies that may be affected by the
proposed academic policy, including the impact upon the populations that may be affected. Note that
creation of new academic policies may impact non-academic policies.
 Item 5 should indicate when the proposed academic policy goes into effect and any special provisions
for currently enrolled students.
Format effective April 2013
Proposal Date:
College Name
Department Name
Proposal to Create a New Academic Policy
(Action Item)
Contact Person: Name, email, Phone
Identification of proposed policy:
Catalog statement of proposed policy:
Proposed catalog policy:
Proposed catalog section:
Rationale for proposed policy:
Impact of proposed policy on existing academic or non-academic policies:
Impact on policies:
Impact on populations that may be affected:
Proposed term for implementation:
Dates of prior committee approvals:
_________College Curriculum Committee (if applicable)
UCC Academic Policy Subcommittee (if applicable)
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (if applicable)
Graduate Rules Committee (if applicable)
Graduate Council (if applicable)
University Senate
Format effective April 2013