Colloquium Highlights

 AEC Integration in 2015 – the message was to unlock
the constraints that inhibit us to move forward to be
globally competitive and eventually for our society to
attain inclusive growth
 SMEs are significant especially in the ASEAN setting
developing an entrepreneurial mind-set has become
- Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses
Ms. Parreno, DTI Rizal
Many successful entrepreneurs are not formally schooled in
entrepreneurship unlike nowadays as Prof. Raneses has said where
entrepreneurship courses are now in the academic curriculum, even in
the K12 of DepEd.
PlanET study shows trends including knowledge acquisition
and improvement of capabilities among entrepreneurs. DTI
conducted PlanET without waiting for the results of the
PlanET study to answer the continuing need of Rizal MSMEs
to have a plan and to be able to evaluate their operations. DTI
responds to the needs of existing Rizal entrepreneurs and
community enterprises through the DTI SMERA which it is
partnering with UP ISSI. There are now 20 shared service
facilities in Rizal that were helped by UP ISSI and the state
universities in Rizal. The faculty serve as coaches for the
Rizal entrepreneurs in business planning.
 book is in response to the statement: Teachers
teaching entrepreneurship are highly educated one and
most did not undergo training.
 Aims to address the question: How can one be a good
entrepreneur teacher when one is not really an
- Prof. Ma. Luisa B. Gatchalian
Windows to Entrepreprenuership
 What gets measured gets more managed, creating a culture
of measurement and management in LGUs.
 3 main pills of competitiveness:
economic dynamism
government efficiency
Work program of the National Competitiveness Council:
Benchmarking local cities against key global competitiveness
Mapping out indicators to the agency responsible
Focusing on lowest-ranking indicators
Keeping track of city competitiveness
 Internship = shadowing an entrepreneur
 Among others, internship should focus on:
 Capacity of candidates to undergo internship
 Proper selection of host companies
 Industry focus for Philippine participants
 Everything that we will do will boil down to one
important word – LOVE
-Prof. Eunice Mareth Querol-Areola
Discussant for the “Dominant Staff Exchange and
Internship Models in the ASEAN Region”
 In most internships, there is much talk about
 The opportunities are endless in internships
 We need to open our minds to new things in order to
end up maximizing our learning experience
- Mr. Dennis Orlina
Discussant for the “Dominant Staff Exchange and
Internship Models in the ASEAN Region”
 UP ISSI has operationalized the ASEAN Internship
Guidebook by providing internship opportunities to
students of the Malayan Colleges of Laguna
- Engr. Ma. Luisa Solarte-Lee
Discussant for the “Dominant Staff Exchange and
Internship Models in the ASEAN Region”
 Innovation and creativity is needed for ASEAN 2015.
- Dr. Wilfredo Jose