Document 14956533

Matakuliah : J0114/Manajemen Pemasaran
: 2008
Corporate Culture and Leadership
Pertemuan 26
Learning Outcome
•Students are able to describe steps required to
develop and expand corporate culture for the
success of experiential marketing
Bina Nusantara
Material Outline:
• Leading the effort to establish a strategy-supportive
• Keeping the organization responsive and innovative
• Exercising ethics leadership
Bina Nusantara
Leading The Effort to Establish A StrategySupportive Culture
• Managers with responsibility for crafting and executing
strategy have to be out front in establishing a strategysupportive organizational climate and culture
• Conservative incrementalism seldom leads to major
cultural adaptations
• The single most visible factor that distinguishes
successful culture-change efforts from failed attempts is
competent leadership at the top
Bina Nusantara
Leading The Effort to Establish A StrategySupportive Culture
• A “stakeholders are king” philosophy that links the need
for culture change to the need to serve the long-term
best interests
• Challenging the status quo with very basic questions:
Bina Nusantara
Are we giving customers what they really need and want?
Why are not we taking more business away from rivals?
Why do our rivals have lower costs than we do?
How can we drive costs out of the business and be more
competitive on price?
Leading The Effort to Establish A StrategySupportive Culture
– Creating events where everyone in management is forced to
listen to angry customers, dissatisfied strategic allies, alienated
– Making a compelling case for why the company’s new direction
and a different cultural atmosphere are in the organization’s best
– Initiating substantive and forceful actions to flush out the
undesirable cultural traits and replace them with the desired new
– Recognizing and generously rewarding those who exhibit new
cultural norms
Bina Nusantara
Keeping the organization responsive and
• Generating fresh ideas, identifying new opportunities and
developing products and services are not solely
managerial tasks.
– Empowering champions:
• Individuals and groups have to encouraged to be creative, hold
informal brainstroming sessions, let their imaginations fly in all
• Everybody must be expected to contribute ideas
• People with maverick ideas or out of the ordinary proposals have to
be tolerated and given room to operate
Bina Nusantara
Keeping the organization responsive and
• Managers have to induce and promote lots of “tries” and be willing
to tolerate mistakes and failures
• Strategy managers should be willing to use all kinds of ad hoc
organizational forms to support ideas and experimentation
• Strategy managers have to see that the rewards for successful
champions are large and visible
– Leading the process of developing new capabilities:
• Changing customer preferences and competitive conditions
• Managing human skills, knowledge bases, intellect
Bina Nusantara
Exercising ethics leadership
• Three things to do:
– Conduct an annual audit of each manager’s efforts to uphold
ethical standards
– Conduct an annual formal reports on the actions taken by
managers to remedy deficient conduct.
– Require all employees to sign a statement annually certifying
that they have complied with the company’s code of ethics.
Bina Nusantara
Exercising ethics leadership
• Strong enforcement of a corporate code of ethics by
itself is not sufficient to make a company a good
corporate citizen.
• Forms of corporate citizenship and socially responsible
decision making can be demonstrated in some ways
such as:
Bina Nusantara
Operating a safe workplace
Taking special pains to protect the environment,
Taking an active role in community affaires,
Interacting with community officials
• Building a strategy-supportive corporate culture is
important to successful strategy execution
• A work climate and organizational esprit de corps that
thrive on meeting performance targets and being part of
a winning effort.
• An organization’s culture emerges from why and how it
does things the way it does, the values and beliefs that
senior managers espouse, the ethical standards
expected of organization members, the tone and
philosophy underlying key policies and the traditions the
organization maintains.
Bina Nusantara