PETITION Sport Management Program PLEASE PRINT NEATLY OR TYPE Name: __________________________________________________ BGSU ID #: _________________________ Date: ____________________ Local Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone ( Street Apt. # City State E-mail Address: __________________________________ Major: Sport Mgmt. ) ________________ Zip Other: ________________________ Academic Advisor: _______________________________ Minor: _____________________________ Total Hours Completed: ____________ University GPA: _____________ Major GPA: ____________ Check Sheet Year: __________ Anticipated Date of Graduation: ___________________________________ Type of Request (Check all of those pertinent) Course Substitution Altered Course Sequence ____________________________________________ Other, Please specify: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REQUESTED COURSE: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dept. Course Number Course Title Credit Hours REQUIRED COURSE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dept. Course Number Course Title Credit Hours RATIONALE: Explain to the faculty why you believe you should be treated as an exception to SM academic regulations. Identify the specific compelling reasons or extenuating circumstances that should prevail. Note: Reasons associated with time-of-graduation or financial concerns typically are not considered to be sufficiently compelling to warrant exceptions to the requirements. Student's Signature: _____________________________________________ Advisor's Recommendation: YES NO Advisor's Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ ADVISOR'S COMMENTS (Optional): ACTION TAKEN BY SM FACULTY Approval Conditional Approval (conditions stated on back) Do not approve (reasons stated on back) ________________________________________________________________ Program Coordinator Date Appropriate notification will be sent to the student and advisor. The original will be filed in the SM office. [1/16/13] OVER PLEASE ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. I have successfully completed SM 2010, the course in my program in which prerequisites, matriculation/admission, and field experience requirements are explained. Yes No 2. Since I enrolled in the program, I have used the check sheet and the 4-year plan for my curriculum as explained. Yes No 3. Before registering each semester, I visited my advisor and made sure I was enrolling in the appropriate courses. Yes No 4. Have you received either a "D" or an "F" in a course at BGSU? Yes No If you have received a "D" or "F", explain: 5. Circle your answer to each of the following questions and explain how your request passes or fails the following ethical tests: (use additional pages as necessary). a. The Golden Rule: Would you expect the exception to be made if others were the petitioners? Yes No b. The Utilitarian Principle: Would the exception result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people? Yes No c. Kant's Categorical Imperative: Could the exception under the circumstances be a universal law or rule of behavior? Yes No 1) Would the majority of people believe the action to be correct? Yes No 2) Would the action demonstrate respect for the rights of other students and faculty? Is the action fair? Yes No d. The Professional Ethic: Would the exception be viewed as proper by a disinterested panel of professional colleagues? Yes No e. The Television Test: Would you feel comfortable explaining to a national television audience why you believe an exception should be granted? Yes No