Name _______________________________________________ DIVERGENT CHALLENGE FACTION TRIAL ABNEGATION Check out a book in the KJH library by your favorite author. If do not have a favorite, ask a friend who their favorite is and check out a book by them and commit to read it. AMITY Come to the library after school and work on homework or help a friend with their homework. CANDOR VERIFICATION I verify that the Initiate performed the required task. Signature: ____________________ I verify that the Initiate performed the required task. Signature: ____________________ Bring a friend to the library before school starts and work on homework or read a book. I verify that the Initiate performed the required task. Signature: ____________________ ERUDITE BE WISE- Commit to read for 15 minutes everyday for an entire month. (Parent signature required) I verify that the Initiate performed the required task. Signature: ____________________ DAUNTLESS Check out a book on overdrive on a computer in the KJH library and commit to read it. I verify that the Initiate performed the required task. Signature: ____________________