The Eighth Futurological Colloquium "Designing the Future in Europe '05"

Media partner: Weekly EKONOM
Second Announcement
Center for Social and Economic Strategies
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences,
in co-operation with Civic Futurological Society,
and European Millennium Project Initiative (Central European Node)
cordially invite you to
The Eighth Futurological Colloquium “Designing the Future in Europe ´05”
organised jointly with
the Second Prague Workshop On Futures Studies Methodology
which will be held at the Charles University, 20th through 22th October, 2005
We intend to put together specialists thinking about various aspects of our common
European future with colleagues with methodological bias in order to confront their
cognitive approaches and styles in the most productive way. We would like to expose
ourselves to methodological experiment stemming from the pool of heuristic methods to
produce the best of our knowledge of Europe in order to understand better the future
challenges of the enlarged European Union – and to build effective links between
foresighting and political practice.
Information on the First Prague Workshop on Futures Studies Methodology which was held in
September 2004 is available on
Information on the Eighth Colloquium and the Second Prague Workshop is available on
Tentative programme of the enterprise
(a detailed programme will be circulated later)
Wednesday, 19th October
Arrival of participants to Prague
Thursday, 20 th October
9.00 – 9.20 Opening by the representatives of organising institutions
9.20 – 12.30 Methodological experiment: Drawing the futures of Europe together
(10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break)
We will discuss and set up the thematic and methodological framework for our endeavour.
Suggested core topics (up to now):
1) Ageing and migration in Europe
2) Globalized economy and the Welfare State
3) Paradoxes of the knowledge society
4) Security in a risky world
5) Governance (with the emphasis on the EU)
Suggested methods (up to now):
Wheel of the future, World Café, Scenarios, “Real-time“ Delphi
12.30 – 13.00 Press Conference
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 17.45 The Colloquium “Designing the Future in Europe ´05
(15.45 – 16.15 Coffee break)
Main topic: Challenges to changes of the political practice of European inhabitants: where are they
coming from?
papers submitted so far:
Panel No 1 - Challenges to the political practice in Europe
Lubomir Gertler (Slovakia): Labour market flexibility risks and effects influencing the timing of the
accession into the eurozone labour market
Mika Mannermaa (Finland): Democracy and Futures
Vadim Nikolajew (Germany): Europe – Laboratory of sustainable development?
Bohumir Stedron (Czech Rep.): Law for the future
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner with music performance (to be confirmed)
Friday, 21 st October
9.00 – 12.30 Methodological experiment: Drawing the futures of Europe together - continuation
(10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break)
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 17.45 The Second Prague Workshop on Future Studies Methodology
(15.45 – 16.15 Coffee break)
papers submitted so far:
I. Futures studies as a component of cognitive processes
Jaroslav Kalous, Pavel Nováček (Czech Rep.): Overview of forecasts – methodological aspects
II. Innovations in futures studies methodology
Olivier Da Costa, Mark Boden, Michael Friedewald (Spain, Germany): Science and Technology
Roadmapping for Policy Intelligence
III. Futures studies as a tool for strategic decision-making
Cornelia Daheim (Germany): From the focus on technology to the perspective of contexts: New
approaches of corporate foresight in innovation development
Juha Kaskinen (Finland): Use of futures lab-method in regional development context
19.00 – 21.00 Dinner
Saturday, 22 nd October
9.00 – 12.30 Methodological experiment: Drawing the futures of Europe together - outcomes
(10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break)
12.30 – 13.00 General conclusions and Farewell
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch
Sunday, 23 rd October
Optional programme
Preparatory Committee
Prof. Martin Potucek, Prof. Frantisek Petrasek, Prof. Frantisek Ochrana, Assoc. Prof. Pavel Novacek,
Dr. Pavol Fric, Dr. Bohumir Stedron, Mgr. Martin Nekola and Barbora Slintakova, PhD.
Organizational Committee
Dr. Bohumir Stedron, Barbora Slintakova, PhD.
Call for papers and/or suggestions for methodological experiments
Prospective contributors are invited to submit abstracts of their papers or suggestions for
methodological experiments before August 31st, 2005. Abstracts will be received by e-mail in the MS
Word format. The papers to be presented in the workshop or suggestions for the methodological
experiment will be selected by the Preparatory Committee. Authors will be notified about acceptance
of papers by September 20th and asked to submit full texts of them by October 16th, 2005. The
Preparatory Committee will keep in touch with those participants who would like to collaborate with it
in the preparation of the methodological experiment.
Presentation of papers shouldn´t exceed 20 minutes. The Preparatory Committee will have the right to
propose papers which will be presented as posters.
Papers presented in the enterprise will be included to proceedings which will be published soon after
the event. To be considered for publication, a final manuscript of the paper should be available before
October 31st, 2005. Details concerning format and length of the manuscript will be supplied.
Organizational information for participants
Venue: The Charles University in Prague, address: Celetna st. No 20, Prague 1
Language: English (interpretation will not be arranged)
Meals and refreshment: Welcome dinner on Thursday, lunches on Thursday and Friday and refreshment
during the workshop and colloquium sessions will be provided to participants
free of charge.
Dinner on Friday and a lunch on Saturday will be arranged by organizers and
paid by participants.
Accommodation: Hotel accommodation will be available for the workshop participants at the following
rates: single room - 36 EUR, double room – 24 EUR per a person, and hostel
accommodation for 12 – 25 EUR per a person.
Registration: Registration form with accommodation requirement is enclosed to this invitation. They
should be sent to contact person Barbora Slintakova - e-mail:, tel.
+420 224095192 (address: University of Economics, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67 Prague
3, the Czech Republic)
Deadline for submitting abstracts, suggestions for methodological experiments, and registration
forms is August 31st, 2005.
Registration form
First name, Family name and Title
e-mail, phone, fax
We prefer to communicate with the participants via e-mail.
I submit
A. Paper for The Eighth Colloquium “Designing the Future in Europe ´05” with a title:
Please, choose a panel to which your paper should be included:
o Panel No 1 - Challenges of the political practice in Europe
o Panel No 2 – Methodology of response to changes of the political practice
o Panel No 3 - Information policy in favour of an anticipative policy making
B. Paper for The Second Prague Workshop On Futures Studies Methodology
Please, choose a panel to which your paper should be included:
o Futures studies as a component of cognitive processes
o Innovations in futures studies methodology
o Futures studies as a tool for strategic decision-making
C. Please mark your preferences for the core topics of the Methodological experiment “Drawing
the gutures of Europe together”:
Ageing and migration in Europe
Globalized economy and the Welfare State
Paradoxes of the knowledge society
Security in a risky world
Governance (with the emphasis on the EU)
D. Please mark your suggestions for the methods applicable within the Methodological
experiment “Drawing the futures of Europe together”:
Wheel of the Future
World Café
“Real-time“ Delphi
(please specify in more detail your idea about its application)
(please specify in more detail your idea about its application)
Please, send a full text of your abstract and/or suggestion (MS Word format) to
before August 31st, 2005.
Requirement for accommodation in Prague during the event
Please, specify what kind of accommodation you would prefer when coming to Prague and how long
do you intend to stay. We can guarantee a booking of a hotel/hostel room only if the requirement reach
us before August 31st.
Kind of accommodation (mark an appropriate possibility):
Hotel Masarykova kolej (
A. single room (36 EUR)
B. double room, i.e. shared with another person (24 EUR per person)
If you prefer a double room, please, state the name of the second person who you want to share the
room with:
Hostel (will be specified later according to participants´ requirements)
C. single hostel room (12 – 15 EUR)
D. single hostel room (16 – 20 EUR)
E. single hostel room (21 – 25 EUR)
Days (mark all the days - nights you would like to stay in the hotel/hostel):
1) Wednesday, October 19th
2) Thursday, October 20th
3) Friday, October 21th
4) Saturday, October 22th
Your booking can be cancelled free of charge at the latest 21 days before the planned arrival to
The registration form with the accommodation requirement should be sent before August 31st,
2005 to the following address: (Barbora Slintakova, University of Economics,
W. Churchill 4, 130 67 Prague, the Czech Republic)