State of New Zealand’s Future

State of
New Zealand’s
A: Background
Sustainable Future Institute
Is an independent think tank specialising
in research and policy analysis.
Project 2058
The strategic aim is to promote integrated long-term thinking,
leadership and capacity-building so that New Zealand can
effectively explore and manage risks and opportunities over the
next 50 years. The method to achieve this aim is to produce a
National Sustainable Development Strategy.
Part A: Background
Part B: 14 Global Drivers
Part C: The Way Forward
B: 14 Global Drivers of Change that
May Affect New Zealand
1. Climate change
2. Population & demographics
3. Biological diversity & ecosystems
4. Energy
5. Resources & resources management
6. Values & beliefs
7. Justice & freedom
8. Political systems and institutions
9. Economic models
10. Infrastructure
11. Security & conflict
12. Research, science & technology
13. Information, learning & ideas
14. Wildcards
C: The Way Forward