Catalyst Application 2012-2013

The Catalyst Scholarship Program
The goal of the Catalyst Scholarships is to enable low-income students from
underrepresented populations who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in Environmental
Earth Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics or Physics to complete their
undergraduate degrees and successfully move on to the next steps in their professional
lives. The Catalyst Scholarship Program awards each recipient a $6,475 annual
scholarship, renewable for a period of two years.
The scholarship award period for 2012-2013 will be September 1, 2012 to August 31,
To be considered for a Catalyst Scholarship in 2012-2013 applicants are required to:
Be U. S. citizens or legal permanent residents;
Be enrolled as full-time students in one of the approved degree areas;
Demonstrate financial need via the FAFSA;
Be on track for graduation in the spring of 2013;
Demonstrate strong academic achievement, with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and
completion of at least 60 college credits;
Agree to complete all work assignments related to the scholarship, meet regularly
with faculty mentor and participate in program events.
All scholars will be assigned a faculty mentor who will advise the student on matters
related to his/her academic progress and future program planning. Scholars will be
required to meet regularly with faculty mentors and graduate student peer mentors to
discuss scholarly progress, participation in the program’s activities, academic aspirations
and career goals. During semesters 2, 3 and 4 of the award period, scholars will enroll in
a 1-credit seminar and will prepare an individual Academic Success Plan.
Scholars will be expected to participate in a variety of networking experiences designed
to provide personal and professional support. They will also be encouraged to participate
in scholarly activities such as research or internships, attend department colloquia or join
professional organizations. Students in the Catalyst Program will be positioned to
assume leadership roles on campus and to promote the importance of majoring in
established or emerging fields within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
In selecting Catalyst Scholars, priority will be given to students from underrepresented
populations in STEM fields with a record of outstanding academic achievement and
contribution to the college community and a demonstrated commitment to a career in a
STEM field.
The Catalyst Management Team will review all applications and select the scholars.
The deadline to submit applications is April 30, 2012.
Your application is intended to help the Catalyst Management Team learn more about
you as an applicant. Your answers should be frank and as thorough as possible. What
you write is very important in providing the selection committee with an accurate idea of
who you are, what is important to you, and what you want to do with your life.
Please mail or submit the complete application packet to:
NSF-Catalyst Scholarship Program
Department of Geography, HN 1006
Hunter College
695 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10065.
Application materials:
the completed Scholarship Application, included below (Parts One, Two & Three)
an unofficial copy of your most recent Hunter College transcript (Part Two)
*a copy of your Fall 2012 class schedule (Part Two –Submit as soon as available)
two letters of recommendation from faculty or advisors (Part Two)
a personal statement which includes educational and career goals, academic
interests, personal background and financial needs (Part Three)
Applications must be postmarked or submitted no later than April 30, 2012. No
submissions will be accepted by email.
*The copy of Fall 2012 class schedule can be submitted after application deadline. That
is as soon as it is available.
Applicants will receive an email confirmation upon receipt of the complete application
package with Parts One, Two and Three.
The Catalyst Scholarship Application
Due April, 2012
Part One
Number & Street
City, State & Zip Code
(official college email address)
Credits Earned (through Spring 2011):
Cumulative GPA (through Spring 2011):
Part Two
In a single packet with the completed Parts One and Three, please include the following
 A student copy from ESIMS of your current college transcript
 A copy of your Fall 2011 class schedule
 Two letters of recommendation from faculty members or advisors in sealed
Part Three
Please enclose an essay (750 words – about 3 pages) in which you describe your
academic interests and mention any experiences that have influenced your decision to
select your major and/or program. If you wish, you can include any additional
information you would like the selection committee to know about you. In addition,
please tell us why you think you are a good candidate for a Catalyst Scholarship and what
plans you have for work and study after the completion of your baccalaureate degree.