County/Baltimore City 4-H Fundraiser Approval Request Please complete the following and submit to the 4-H Office, and wait for approval prior to making any fundraiser arrangements. Club: Person requesting: Date of Request: Fundraiser Description: Date(s) of Fundraiser: Purpose: Do you want your fundraiser to be advertised on the UME Cecil County 4-H Website: ____ Yes ____ No Do you want your fundraiser to be advertised in the Cecil 4-H Talk Newsletter (Depends on timing of request): ____ Yes ____ No Do you want your fundraiser to be advertised on the Cecil 4-H Facebook Page (Depends on timing of request): ____ Yes ____ No If your 4-H club would like to advertise an upcoming event, please submit your flyer and information by e-mail to April at For Office use Only: Date Approved: ___________________ Office Initial:__________