Tips on the Junior Report Form Summary1.doc

Tips on the Junior Report Form Summary
Begin the junior summary with the first
members ages 8 – 13 years and is cumulative so
year, and add the current year onto the end of
that you need only add on each year. When you
each sheet. If you are in more than one club, you
reach the senior age category (14-19 years old),
should still only complete one report form, listing
you are to use the National Report Form. The
all of your clubs on it.
junior summary will help you complete the
National Report Form.
Use the same color of ink through out
(Black or blue is best) Be consistent and neat.
Tips for Completing the 4-H Junior Member’s Repot Form Page-by-Page
4-H Junior Member’s Report Form – In
column, indicate local club (L), county (C) district
the space for your calendar year and years on 4-
(D) state (S), or national (N).
H, add the current year to the lineup.
Example – 1990-Food-L-6
1991-Howard County Fair-C-4
4-H Projects Carried – In the Size
Page 3.
column, indicate the number of animals,
Page 6. Volunteer Leadership – List all volunteer
quantity of garden produce, garments completed,
leadership where you assisted a workshop leader
food prepared, hours of babysitting, or craft items
or helper, assisted with phone calls or club
made; for projects not involving specific numbers,
programs, helped younger members, were host
list the number of different activities participated
or hostess, served refreshments at club or county
meeting or assisted at visual presentation day,
bicycle, and others). If a project is incomplete,
fashion revue, or county or club achievement
note why.
program. List the number of people attended.
Example – 1990 Achievement Night narrator –
Page 4.
4-H Project or Activity Exhibits –
Summarize your exhibits and how they did in
Elected and Appointed Leadership –
judging. Remember to list these by projects, such
Page 7.
as all food, all clothing, and all swine projects, in
List all 4-H committees that you helped on and
an order. In the Level column; indicate local club
club offices held. Include the club’s name. In the
(L), county (C), district (D), regional (R), state (S),
Level column, indicate Local club (L), County (C),
or national (N).
District (D), State (S) or National (N).
Example – 1900 – Sewing
Example – 1990 – Busy Beaver 4-H Club –
Conducted 12 meetings (12 hours)-L
4-H Events Attended – List all 4-H
Page 8. Promotional Leadership – List anyway
events attended. Local 4-H club meetings also
you helped promote 4-H, including working in a
go here, and you should list how many meetings
booth or on a float, handing out literature, giving
were attended. This also includes any other 4-H
presentations before organizations, or writing
event attended more than once, such as fairs,
news stories. In t he Level column indicate local
shows, workshops, and visual presentation day.
club (L), county (C), district (D), state (S), or
List the number of times attended. In the Level
national (N).
Page 5.
Example – 1990 – Radio program for National 4-
leadership to a group (G), or were a member of a
H Week, Wrote script and taped three programs
group (M).
D 10,000
Example – 1990-Nursing home favors-30-L-M.
4-H Demonstrations – List all 4-H
Page 13. Outstanding 4-H Recognition, Honors,
demonstrations you have given, whether club,
and Awards Received – Include only those
county, community, or state. List the number of
times each presentation was given. In the Level
elsewhere, such as record book awards, local
column indicate local club (L), county (C) district
achievement night awards, Top 10, Fashion
(D), state (S), or National (N) and the number of
Revue awards, and special county fair awards.
times it was given. (Community is considered
In the level column, indicate local club (L), county
(C), district (D), state (S), or national (N).
Example – 1990-Parts of an English Saddle L-2-
Example – 1990 – Silver Tray – Junior Record
C-1, S-1
Keeping - C
Page 10. 4-H Showmanship – Include fashion
Page 14.
revue and, in the case of animal shows, list fitting
Other Activities – Include activities that you are
and showing and regular shows.
Page 9.
Community, Religious, School, and
In the Level
involved in other than 4-H. In the Level column,
column, indicate local club (L), county (C), district
designate community (CO), religious (R), school
(D), state (S), or national (N).
(SC), or other (OT).
Example – 1990 – Swine Showmanship – c, S –
Example – 1991 Bushy Park Elementary School,
4th grade chorus, band, top speller – SC .
1991 – St. John’s Catholic Church, Jr. Choir,
Page 11. 4-H Judging – Includes events such as
Sunday School, acolyte, YMCA – R.
1991 – Girl Scouts - CO
horticulture judging.
List specific areas for
1990 – Band – SC
consumer and horticulture judging. Break down
the Kind column by species and reasons for
Page 15.
Non 4-H Classes, Activities, and
livestock and dairy judging. In the Level column,
Workshops – Include classes, activities, and
indicate local club (L), county (C), district (D),
workshops you have attended that relate to your
sate (S), or national (N).
Example – 1990 – Consumer judging – tents – C,
Page 16. Skills and Knowledge – List, by project
area, important new skills and knowledge you
learn each
Page 12.
Community Service – List all the
community service projects in which you or your
Example – 1990 – How to lay out a pattern and
match plaids.
club participated List the number of items you
made. In the Level column indicate local club (L),
4-H projects. (For example, a craft fair that
county (C), district (D), state (S), or national (N).
relates to a 4-H project but was not 4-H planned.)
In the involvement column, state whether you
Example – 1990 – Recreation and Parks
Christmas Fair – 1