World History FOR THE WEEK STARTING 9/16/13 MONDAY DAY 1 9/16 TUESDAY DAY 2 9/17 WED. Day 1 9/18 CLASS: 1. Geographic Theme: HumanEnvironment Interaction 2. Film: “Wolves at Idaho’s Door” 3. News Article: Identifying Human Impact CLASS: CLASS: 1. Student Presentation of Article (3 students) 2. Reading Assessment: “6 Cents An Hour” (Child Labor in Pakistan) CLASS OBJECTIVES: 1. Explain how choices have consequences and costs 2. Identify positive/negative consequences of action CLASS OBJECTIVES: CLASS OBJECTIVES: VOCAB: Human-Environment Interaction VOCAB: THURSDAY Day 2 9/19 CLASS: 1. Discuss 6 Cents An Hour (Values, Hierarchy of Pay, Value of Labor) 2. Reflection on Child Labor (Needs/Wants, Nike Code of Conduct Comparison, Child Labor in England) CLASS OBJECTIVES: 1. Explain how our values reflect the choices we make in global economy Vocab: Pesghi Child Labor Sweatshop Labor FRIDAY Day 1 9/20 Vocab: CLASS OBJECTIVES: 1. Explain how our values reflect the choices we make in global economy 2. Compare and Contrast Nike’s Contract to their Employees with practice. 3. Identify similarities in Child Labor past and present Vocab: Pesghi Child Labor Sweatshop Labor PRACTICE/Homework: News Article Write-Up PRACTICE/Homework: PRACTICE / Homework: Identify 10 articles of clothing and track their origin PRACTICE: PRACTICE / Homework: NONE