Ch. 12 Reading (Pgs. 364-378)

Ch. 12: Congress (364-378):
Directions: Read Ch. 12 pages 363-378 and use the guided
reading questions to enhance your understanding of
Vocabulary (Concepts):
Bicameral Legislature
Majority/Minority Leader
Standing Committee
Legislative Oversight
Congressional Caucus
Cloture (in the Senate)
House Rules Committee
Speaker of the House
Majority/Minority Whips
Conference Committee
Seniority System
Committee Chair
“Hold” (in the Senate)
1. Explain why the House of Representatives is more
institutionalized and centralized than the Senate.
2. What is the role of the Rules Committee in the House of
Representatives? Why does this favor the majority party?
3. Explain how the use of a “filibuster” favors the minority party in
the Senate.
4. Describe the leadership roles in both the House and the Senate
(What is their function?)
5. Where does most of the “real” work of Congress take place? Why
is this crucial to the passage of bills?
6. Describe the “seniority system” and how this may present a
challenge to political parties.
7. Be familiar with HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW.