World History FOR THE WEEK STARTING 5/5/14 MONDAY DAY 2 5/5 TUESDAY DAY 1 5/6 WED. Day 2 5/7 THURSDAY Day 1 5/7 CLASS: CLASS: CLASS: CLASS: CLASS: 1. Discuss Appeasement in U.S. Politics 2. Exploration of the European Theater of War (The Opening of WWII)---Explore stations #1 - #4 CLASS OBJECTIVES: CLASS OBJECTIVES: 1. Research and Understand aspects related to the opening of WWII 2. Define Appeasement and explain it in the context of foreign policy CLASS OBJECTIVES: Vocab: Vocab: The Battle of Britain Blitzkreig Radar The Battle/Siege of Leningrad Operation Barbarossa Operation Sea Lion Dunkirk Winston Churchill Vocab: 1. Quiz: Holocaust 2. Discuss primary motives for expansion?) 3. Policy of Appeasement (in U.S. Politics) CLASS OBJECTIVES: CLASS OBJECTIVES: 1. Identify the primary motives of the Axis powers for expansion of their territory 2. Define Appeasement and explain it in the context of foreign policy VOCAB: VOCAB: The Nuremberg Trials Haile Selassie Appeasement Axis Powers Munich Conference Sudentanland Anschluss Lebensraum FRIDAY Day 2 5/8 Non-Aggression Pact PRACTICE/ Homework: PRACTICE/ Homework: PRACTICE / Homework: PRACTICE/Homework PRACTICE / Homework: 1. Complete Appeasement in U.S. Politics WS Read Ch. 16 / Sec. 1 Online (pg. 441-444)