B elgian Colonization


The Belgian Congo

Imperialism in Africa


Between 1885-1908, the country of Belgium forcefully colonized The Congo.

Justification: Leopold announced that his aim was to “civilize” the country and end slavery.

Leopold’s aim was to keep up with the British and French empires.

He studied forms of colonization. Using the

Dutch example he believed forced colonization was the best way to control the country. (and make a profit)


"To open to civilisation the only part of our globe which it has not yet penetrated, to pierce the darkness which hangs over entire peoples, is, I dare say, a crusade worthy of this century of progress...." (King Leopold –



Land rights treaties should be as "brief as possible and in a couple of articles must grant us everything.”

Henry Stanley, the explorer secured

450 such agreements. (in Leopold’s name)

Examples of Inhumane


Belgium used The Congo to provide for their

“rubber” trade.

5-15 million Africans died

Women / Children were kidnapped, beaten or killed. (Use of Chicotte or “whip; 100+ lashes could kill)

Forced labor from 20,000 hired African soldiers

Children would be used as porters to carry heavy loads (20+ lbs.)

Created Children’s Colonies

Examples of Inhumane


Companies operating in the Congo used prison stockades to keep hostages. If the men of the village resisted the demands for rubber it meant the death of their wife, child or chief. The “Force Publique” supplied military might under contract and each company had its own mercenaries.
