Social Darwinism Packet

Imperialism: Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism:
Applies the concept of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory (“survival of the
fittest”) to the social interactions between groups. It assumes that the conflict
between groups in societies leads to social progress as superior groups
outcompete inferior ones.
Independent power or authority in government as claimed by a state or country
Step 1: Complete the Social Darwinism Survey. Then fill in the responses
“I believe_______________________because_____________________.”
Provide at least 3 persuasive arguments that support your view for the
responses you provided
Part II: A Discussion: Think about how you would respond to the following
questions, then respond in the box below using specific examples. (Use the
bulleted questions to help you in formulating a response.
When is it justifiable for a powerful nation to intervene (get
involved) in the affairs of other nations?
Does a technologically advanced nation have a responsibility to share
its advances with less developed areas?
Is it acceptable to impose (force) your culture on another culture
Who should benefit from the resources of a particular place? (the native
country) or an outside country
Is there such a thing as having too much power over other?
“It is justifiable for a powerful nation to intervene in the affairs of other
nations when___________________________.” For example______________________.”
Part III: Article Reading (“Bush says U.S. must spread democracy”)
1. From the evidence provided by the article, President Bush in 2003, believed that
the mission of the U.S. was to________________________.”
2. “The goal of the mission is to___________________________.”
3. In light of the information provided by the article, I agree/disagree with President
Bush’s view of America’s mission because………..
4. After reading the article, does this change your view of the justification of nations
to intervene in the affairs of other nations. Explain.