Module 7 Review 1-6 Matakuliah : G1222, Writing IV





: G1222, Writing IV

: 2006

: v 1.0 rev 1

Module 7

Review 1-6


What’s inside

• Review Unit 1 – 6

• Identification of essay


Examples of Essay



Identify these essays according to its characteristics.


Find the words/expressions that supports your answer


Explain your answer and your reason in logical way of thinking.


State your opinion about the argumentative statements reflected in one of the essays


I Was a Teenage Mother!

High school is a time for fun and excitement in every teenager's life, but my experience of high school ended a little bit differently. There are parties, boyfriends, and ball games that make high school the best years of every girl's life. My fun ended in eleventh grade. My most unforgettable experience in high school occurred when I got pregnant; I lost all the freedom I had, I never got to see any of my friends, and now I was the girl about whom everyone was talking.

First, losing all the freedom I had was a hard experience for me. I no longer could stay out late and party. I had someone living inside of me that I had to think about. It is very difficult being seventeen and knowing every Friday and Saturday night

I would have to sit at home. My baby's daddy was in and out of my life at the time, but he was not tied down, and I think that was what hurt the worst. He could come and go as he pleased, but I had someone I had to think about every hour of every day.


I Was a Teenage Mother! (cont.)

Second, losing touch with all of my friends was also a difficult experience. I am not saying I lost all contact, because they all called and checked to make sure the baby and I were fine. We just never got to do the things we all did together like going out on dates, going to parties, and just hanging out with each other. I faced the facts: no one wants to associate with a seventeen-year-old pregnant woman.

The third reason this is my most unforgettable experience is that now I was the girl in high school about whom everyone was talking. I was one of the people that would have never thought that I would have gotten pregnant. Did I get a wakeup call or what! Having to see people when I went out and knowing they were talking about me were very difficult experiences, but I am a very confident person, and I was determined to go on with my life and show everyone that this little setback was not going to hold me back.


How to Procrastinate

Have you ever heard friends or family members brag about how productive they were that day, or week, or month? Those people really bother me. And it's because I can never get anything done; it takes me a long time to accomplish the simplest tasks. I pride myself in being a grade A procrastinator. My three specific examples will help anyone perfect the arts of wasting time and procrastination.

Then you can brag about how extremely unproductive you were today.

I am not a super messy person, but I don't necessarily keep my room clean all the time, either. Many a time I have opted to put away my clothes, clean out my binder and my backpack, make my lunch for the next day, and/or take a shower before I get to my homework.

Doing all these activities takes a while, and I usually end up doing all of them on nights when I have a lot of homework, or if I have a test the next day. Any type of cleaning or household chore would work, though, such as scrubbing the shower, vacuuming, or dusting.

Another great way to waste time is to daydream. I can sit for fifteen minutes or more before I realize that I should be doing something else. I usually think about something that happened that day, and then imagine an alternate ending. Or I will imagine calling someone on the phone, and play out the entire conversation in my head.


How to Procrastinate (cont.)

Sometimes I look out the window and look at all the trees, clouds, squirrels, or even the grass in my backyard. This is a great procrastination method when combined with a simple cleaning task, like cleaning out a backpack.

The best way to procrastinate is to interact with other people. That way you can lay part of the blame on someone else: "Well, Mom was talking to me about something important. I couldn't just walk away." I prefer to talk on the phone to friends who go to schools far away. We usually don't talk too often, so when we do, we have to make it count. For those that who don't want to spend a mountain of money on phone bills, any kind of messaging system on the

Internet is a great way to communicate. I prefer AOL Instant

Messenger. But if you don't feel like a lot of typing, just surfing the net can take a lot of time, especially if you have a slow modem.

Then it can take what seems like forever to look at a minimal number of sites.

The main point to remember when procrastinating and wasting time is that you need to find something to do that's not as important as what you really need to get done. Then you will be an unproductive, procrastinating, time-wasting master.


A Helping Hand for College

Approximately 60% of all students enrolled in higher education receive some type of financial assistance. Financial aid is provided to students for many reasons. The primary reason is to increase the accessibility for families that are unable to afford the full cost of higher education. Scholarships, loans, and federal work studies are categories of financial aid given to help students further their education.

A scholarship is a financial award given to students in recognition of achievement, such as academics or athletics. Other scholarships are awarded to minorities and women to increase their access to higher education. In many cases, the qualifications for a scholarship include financial need as well. A scholarship does not require repayment.

Most scholarships are given to students who attend business schools, technical and vocational schools, nursing schools and 2-year colleges.


A Helping Hand for College

A loan is an award offered by various government and private agencies. The interest rates are lower than those of regular bank loans, and in most cases interest is not charged while a student is enrolled in college; repayment is also extended over a long period of time. There are loans for students and parents. Student loans are the most common form of financial assistance to students. They are available for both undergraduate and graduate studies. They are issued by commercial banks and state student loan authorities at an interest rate considerably lower than the current market level and guaranteed by the federal government. The loan must be repaid within a ten-year period beginning six months after the student's graduation.

Federal work study is another type of student financial aid. It is a part-time job co- financed by the government and a college to allow students to earn money to help pay educational expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to a student's course of study. The salary will be at least minimum wage, but it may be higher, depending on the type of work and skills required. The total federal work study awarded depends on when a student applies, the level of need, and the funding level of a college.


A Helping Hand for College

An undergraduate student is paid by the hour. A graduate student may be paid by the hour or receive a salary. No federal work study student is paid by commission or fee. Working on campus usually means working for the school. Off-campus employers will usually be private nonprofit organizations or public agencies, and the work performed must be in the public interest. A student is limited as to the number of hours he can work. The amount a student can earn cannot exceed the total federal work study award.

Many students look at the tuition of a college and make assumptions about final cost. Students should apply to the schools that best fit their academic needs, make an application for financial aid, and find out what types of assistance are available. Then, and only then, should a student make a final decision based on all the facts.

