Program Overview for Special Education Candidates

Program Overview for ISSE (Special Education for Integrated Studies)
GATE 1 – Declaring your major
TO PASS GATE ONE: To pass Gate 1, you should go to CASAS and declare your major and concentration(s).
DURING GATE ONE: During Gate 1, you should accomplish the following tasks:
 Take the following courses:
EDUC 125
EDUC 126
EDUC 220 (Prerequisites are EDUC 125 and EDUC 126)
 Complete the Praxis I requirement early enough to receive your scores so you can apply to Gate 2. You do not
have to pass Praxis I to take EDUC 220 but you must take it and receive probationary scores or better to register
for EDUC 225/226. If you have difficulty passing Praxis I, please see the Praxis I Help webpage.
 Complete the Early Field Experience 30 Hour Practicum (associated with EDUC 125).
Note: To apply to Gate 2, you must have a 2.5 minimum GPA or higher. Once you are admitted to Gate 2, you
must maintain the 2.5 or higher GPA or you will be unable to take an EDUC course until the GPA is brought back
up to the required level.
GATE 2 – Applying to the Teacher Licensure Program
TO PASS GATE TWO : Before you can register for EDUC 225/226, you must apply to Gate 2 in Live Text and receive a
status of “full admittance” or “probation” to the Teacher Licensure Program. The Gate 2 application will require you to
have passing grades for EDUC 125, 126, and 221. You will also be required to have a 2.5 GPA or higher, passing or
probationary scores for Praxis I, and the completion of your Early Field Experience 30 Hour practicum (associated with
EDUC 125.)
DURING GATE TWO: During Gate 2, you should accomplish the following tasks:
 Take the following courses: (You may take these courses with “full “ OR “probation” status to Gate 2)
EDUC 225/226 (Prerequisites are EDUC 125, 126, 220 and Gate 2 in Live Text with full or probationary status)
EDUC 317 (Prerequisite is EDUC 225/226)
EDUC 318 (Prerequisite is EDUC 225/226)
EDUC 319 (Prerequisite is EDUC 225/226)
EDUC 322 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, and six hours of Social Science – eg. GEOG 200 and HIUS 221)
EDUC 323 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, and six hours of MATH – eg. Math 117 & 217 OR 131 & 132)
EDUC 324 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, and 2 Science courses and 1 lab:
eg. 1.) BIOL 101 or 102
2.) PHYS 101 or PHSC 210 and 3.) BIOL 103, 104; PHYS 103 or PHSC 211
EDSP 323 (Prerequisite is EDUC 220)
EDSP 363 (Prerequisite is EDUC 220) and EDSP 323 (can be taken concurrently with EDSP 363)
EDSP 413 (Prerequisites are EDUC 220 and EDSP 323)
EDSP 473 (Prerequisites are EDUC 220 and EDSP 323)
At this point, if you received probationary scores on Praxis I and have NOT passed Gate 2 with FULL admittance
you should take and pass the VCLA test to gain FULL admittance so you can continue in the program. Your
passing VCLA scores will replace your probationary Praxis I scores. Take the VCLA test during the EDUC 317, 318,
319 block so you will be ready well in advance to register for your upper level classes (listed below.) Reapply to
Gate 2 with your passing VCLA scores to replace your Praxis I scores.
 Take the following courses: (You must have passed Gate 2 with FULL admittance to register for these courses)
EDUC 360 (Prerequisites are PHIL 201 and Gate 2 with FULL admittance)
EDUC 410 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, 323, and Gate 2 with FULL admittance)
EDUC 411 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, 323, and Gate 2 with FULL admittance)
EDUC 415 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, 323, and Gate 2 with FULL admittance)
EDUC 416 (Prerequisites are EDUC 317, 318, 319, 323, and Gate 2 with FULL admittance)
 Take the VRA test right after you complete EDUC 317, 318, 319. Take the VCLA test (if you have not done so yet)
and Praxis II test(s) the semester before you will apply to student teach.
Gate 3 – Applying to Student Teach
TO PASS GATE THREE: At this gate, you must complete the student teaching application and submit it to Live Text. It
should be completed at the beginning of the semester BEFORE you plan to student teach. Application
requirements will include documentation of passing scores for VCLA and Praxis II, documentation that all
coursework is complete, and the overall GPA must be 2.5 or higher. (Other requirements are necessary but these
are some of the main ones to note.)
DURING GATE THREE: The coursework for Gate 3 is EDUC 475, 476, 477.
Gate 4 – Completing Licensure Paperwork
At the end of your student teaching semester, you must finish required paperwork to receive your degree and earn state
*This is a program overview and includes the main structure and sequence you should follow. As always, please refer to
the U-Guide at and the Teacher Education Handbook for SPECIFIC policies and other
pertinent information.