Career Related Learning Experience Revision Tool

Career Related Learning Experience Revision Tool
The following are framing questions that arose in the planning of this CRLE tool. They
should serve as a guide to your instruction of the Career Related Learning Experience.
After using the tool, it will be important to reflect on these questions as you plan your
next CRLE.
Ideas/questions to consider as you revise your CRLE
What instructional strategies do you use to communicate how the CRLE relates to
unifying concept(s) of a Focused Program of Study (FPS)?
How do you help students understand the relationship between their CRLE
inquiry/reflection and their SSE experience?
How are you communicating the CRLE evaluation criteria to students?
How are you teaching Career Related Learning Standards (CRLS) so that students are
able to identify the standards in the CRLE?
How are you directing students to finding their adult connections?
The following tool has been designed to guide you as you review and revise your Career
Related Learning Experiences (CRLE). The tool addresses lesson planning and the five
components of a CRLE. The tool is a working document so please provide feedback on
the effectiveness of the tool and ways to improve its design.
Inquiry: An investigation to discover information through observation, collection of
evidence, and making a connection to learning.
The Essential Question frames the work, has broad implications, and allows for multiple
points of view.
Directions: The teacher may provide the essential questions for the CRLE or students
may write their essential question based on their interest in the project. For the following
section please check all that apply to the essential question in your CRLE design.
The essential question:
_____ clarifies what the student wants to learn and not what the student wants to do.
_____ frames the work/experience /issues that students will explore
_____ can only be answered by approaching from multiple points of view/evidence
_____ leads to open ended inquiry
_____ bridges academic content to the students’ area of interest or career focus
_____ provides an opportunity to personalize the essential question.
How does the CRLE provide each student an opportunity to connect to his or her Focused
Program of Study?
Professional Standards : These are fundamental skills essential for success in
employment, college, and community life.
Directions: For the following section please check all that apply.
What Career Related Learning Standards are students experiencing in this CRLE?
_____ Personal Management
• Demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviors
_____ Problem Solving
• Apply decision-making and problem-solving techniques in workplace situations
_____ Communication
• Apply the principles of effective communication to give and receive information
(speaking, writing, reading, listening)
• Acquire, use and transfer information
_____ Teamwork
• Demonstrate skills that improve team effectiveness
_____ Employment Foundation
• Demonstrate academic knowledge and technical skills required for success
_____ Career Development
• Assess characteristics related to personal, educational and career goals
• Research and analyze career and educational information
How has completing the CRLE helped the students demonstrate an understanding of the
What evidence has the student collected to show how they apply the CRLS to their
Question to consider
How does the CRLE provide an opportunity for the student to make an explicit
connection between the CRLS and their personal education plan, collection of evidence
and next step?
Adult Connection: Provides student with an opportunity to dialogue with a
professional either in school or out so that the student’s question can be discussed and
Directions: For the following section please check all that apply.
My CRLE provides opportunities for an adult connection in the following manner:
_____ face to face meeting with adult(s)
_____ small group guest speaker
_____ panel of guest speakers
_____ email exchanges
_____ phone conversation
_____ teacher designed blog
_____ Other _______________________
Are you teaching students the following skills needed for a successful adult connection?
Check all that you explicitly teach.
_____ Communication skills
_____ Phone/email etiquette
_____ Thank you letters
_____ Asking questions
_____ Appropriate behaviors/dress
_____ Timeliness
In what ways does the adult connection provide students an authentic career related
In what ways does the adult connection provide students a link to their FPS?
How does the adult connection help students understand the work world?
How does the adult connection expose students to industry practices, and/or methods?
Evidence of Learning (Product) Tangible evidence of the students’ learning as
a result of the Career Related Learning Experience (CRLE).
What type(s) of product serve as a culmination of your CRLE?
Product Examples may include:
* Reflective Paper
* Choreography of a performance
* Speech
* Data tables and/or other display of evidence
* Menu
* Lesson Plan taught by student
* Scene in drama
* A children’s book
* Dance
* Floor plan
* Art project
* Portfolio
Directions: For the following section please check all that apply.
In what way does the CRLE provide an opportunity for students to collect tangible
evidence of their learning?
_____ Daily journal
_____ Email
_____ Phone log
_____ Pictures
_____ Notes
_____ Other: ________________________________________
How does the product help to answer the essential question?
In what ways do students reflect and share their learning with others?
How does the CRLE provide opportunities for students to generate further questions?
How are you evaluating student learning?
_____ District generated scoring guide
_____ Teacher designed scoring guide
_____ Student designed scoring guide
_____ Criteria checklist
_____ Other: ________________________________
Reflection: Students will connect their project to learning at school, their lives,
and their future careers.
Directions: For the following sections please check all that apply.
The student reflection:
_____ includes written or oral presentation
_____ identifies key learning
_____ generates questions about students next steps
_____ explains how the CRLE changed or informed my personal/career aspirations.
_____ addresses the activities, communication, research, and/or product that student
completed are described.
The student reflection describes the connection between the CRLE and the following:
_____ Personal goals/next steps
_____ Career exploration
_____ Academic content of course
_____ Focused Program of Study
_____ Career Related Learning Standards
_____ Adult connection
For the items above that are not checked, please describe how you will address them the
next time you teach your CRLE.
The following questions should serve as a guide to your instruction as you revise your
CRLE. Please reflect on the questions that you have not fully addressed in your current
CRLE and provide details about your next steps.
Ideas/questions to consider as you revise your CRLE
What instructional strategies do you use to communicate how the CRLE relates to
unifying concept(s) of a Focused Program of Study (FPS)?
How do you help students understand the relationship between their CRLE
inquiry/reflection and their SSE experience?
How are you communicating the CRLE evaluation criteria to students?
How are you teaching Career Related Learning Standards (CRLS) so that students are
able to identify the standards in the CRLE?
How are you directing students to finding their adult connections?
Resources Needed