School of Media & Communication 302 West Hall Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 419-372-8349 DISSERTATION RESEARCH FUNDING APPLICATION Eligibility Criteria: Dissertation research conducted by an MC doctoral student supervised by SMC graduate faculty. Terms of Funding: Limited to one allocation per dissertation and available up to $250. Required Documentation: 1) Application form (including the PART A, B, C, & D) 2) Copy of completed topic approval form Application and Administrative Process: Before the expense incurs, complete this application form, obtain signature from the dissertation committee chair, and then submit the packet to the graduate secretary. The submitted packet will be forwarded for GPC review and the applicant will be notified of the decision in a timely matter. Once approved, the student can incur the expense, submit original receipts to the School office, and then will be reimbursed for the approved amount. PART A: COVER PAGE Name: BGSU ID#: Phone #: Email: Project Title: Committee (Chair; Member1; Member 2): ; ; Has your dissertation topic been approved? Yes No Budget Period (Estimated): Start Date (M/D/YY) If yes, approval date (M/D/YY): ; Completion Date (M/D/YY) Amount requested: $ Are human subjects involved? Yes No; If yes, approval date HSRB # Applicant Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date: Dissertation Committee Chair Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: Graduate Coordinator Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: GPC Decision: Approved for $______________; Disapproved Signed MC: _________________________________ School of Media & Communication 302 West Hall Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 419-372-8349 Part B: SUMMARY OF RESEARCH PROJECT Present a concise summary of the research proposed, including need for this research, aims and objectives, methods, planned activities and analyses, and expected or desired outcomes. School of Media & Communication 302 West Hall Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 419-372-8349 PART C: BUDGET Material/Supplies Requested from SMC Provided by other sources** TOTAL COST $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ * Permanent Equipment Travel*** Study Participant compensation Communication Consultants or Temporary Employees Other TOTAL REQUESTED (add all columns) $ $ $ * Please round amounts to the nearest whole dollar. **If known, please identify the source(s) and nature of contribution in your budget justification. ***Use attachment, if additional space is needed. School of Media & Communication 302 West Hall Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 419-372-8349 PART D: BUDGET JUSTIFICATION Present written justification relating the proposed expenses to the project activities. Any funding request not documented will be denied. Also, describe any budget calculations not immediately discernible on the line item budget. NOTE: Mileage is reimbursed at the current IRS rate at the time of travel.