AYA Austria Program Department of German, Russian & East Asian Languages Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0217 APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE STUDY IN GERMAN Please TYPE in the requested information: Mr. Mrs. Ms. First Name Middle, Maiden or Other Name Last Name Mailing Address: Street Address Daytime Phone (include area code) City/State/Zip Nighttime Phone (include area code) Permanent Address - if different from above: Street Address Daytime Phone (include area code) City/State/Zip Nighttime Phone (include area code) Hometown, state, country: Email Address: College or University now attending, or current position: Undergraduate major(s): Undergraduate Grade Point Average: minor(s): Average in German: Institution awarding the degree: Previous academic study in a German-speaking country or graduate study (describe briefly): Honors, Awards: Non-academic experience with German: Area(s) within German studies of interest to you: References: List three persons acquainted with your academic background whom you have requested to send letters of reference. Please refer to the guidelines for these letters in item 5 of the “Application Procedures.” Title, Name Affiliation 1. 2. 3. I am applying for: The Graduate Year in Salzburg with graduate assistantship Graduate study on the BGSU campus with graduate assistantship the Dual-Degree program in German and Political Science History Music History one of the above to be determined after consultation with the Graduate Advisor Semester you wish to begin study or appointment: Fall semester (year) On a separate sheet of paper, write a description of your motivations for coming to graduate school, what you hope to achieve in your area of interest, and your aspirations after receiving the graduate degree. Please enclose this with your application. If you are applying electronically, this statement may be word-processed. Certification: I have completed a formal application for admission to the Graduate College at Bowling Green State University. I have requested letters of recommendation from the references listed above. I have taken or have applied to take the Graduate Record Examination (General Test) on: at (Date) (Testing Site) with test results to be sent to Bowling Green State University. For Applicants whose native language is not English: I have taken or have applied to take the TOEFL examination or the MELAB examination on: at (Date) (Testing Site) with test results to be sent to Bowling Green State University. Student Signature Revised 01/10 Date