Animal Project Award

Name ________________________________________ Club ___________________ Project Year ____________
Points Earned – You may attach another sheet giving needed information. Points are based on only 4-H events
and activities occurring between January 1 and December 31. NOTE: 4-Her may only be nominated for 2 awards
maximum. Be sure to choose the top 2 animal project areas.
Award you are applying for?
 Alpaca
 Beef- breeding
 Beef-market
 Dairy cow
 Cats
 Dogs
Goat- breeding
Guinea Pigs
______1. Junior Record Book or Senior Portfolio to county (30 points)
______2. Unit Completions in the project area you are applying for (10 points.)
______1. 4-H Club monthly meetings (only one club) – 2 points each,
County Meetings (Project Related) - 5 points each.
Project Communications – Points are received for each communication event where
you participated with an oral presentation on the project area you are competing in.
______1. Demonstrations: club – 5 Points. county – 10 points., state 15 points.
Title _______________________ Level __________________
______2. Illustrated Talk: club – 5 Points. county – 10 points., state 15 points.
Title ________________________ Level ____________________
Showing Record:
_________1. County Fair. 10 points
_________2. Hereford Fair. 10 points
_________3 State Fair. 15 points
_________4. Other (must be a 4-H youth show). 15 points each
Where? _________________________
Animal Judging Team:
_________1. Practices 3 points. each county, 5 points. each state
______#County _______# State
_________2. County Fair Judging Team 10 points.
_________3. State Fair Judging Team 15 points.
NF 2015
Animal Knowledge Contest (Dairy Bowl, Skillathon, etc.):
_________1. Practices 3 points. each county, 5 points. each state
______#County _______# State
_________2. County Fair Livestock Skillathon 10 points.
_________3. Statewide contest team15 points.
Leadership – You hold an office, committee chair, major lead in getting the job completed.
_____1. Club Officer 5 points. What Office? _______________ Club _______________
_____2. Club Committee Chair – 5 points. each What Committees __________________________
_____3. Club Committee Member – 3 points each
What Committees? ________________________________________________
_____4. Jr. Leadership responsibilities in project area you are competing 5 points each
responsibility ___________________________________________________
Promotion of 4-H Animal Project and Community Service
______1. Recruited new 4-H member -1pt each. Who?_______________________________
______2. Other 4-H animal project promotion events to general public or community. 2-pts each.
______3. Community Service project (w/your animal). 1-pt each.
Why should this person be recognized as Baltimore County 4-H __________________ of the year?
(Club Leader)
(what area?)
This application is completed by:___________________________________________
I verify the information submitted by the above person is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Club or Project Leader (other than parent)
You should attach a short story about your project experiences.
The University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of race,
age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic
information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression.
NF 2015