THE NEAR EARTH SPACE ENVIRONMENT • The near-Earth space environment is defined as that in the region of space that includes our Earth, but extending out to the orbit of our Moon (and to somewhat larger distances, in the direction opposite from the Sun). • In addition to the light and heat emitted by the Sun, other forms of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun which do not penetrate our atmosphere to the Earth’s surface, such as far-ultraviolet and X-ray radiation, are present in this region. • The near-Earth space environment also includes electrically charged particles, primarily electrons and protons, which are influenced by Earth’s magnetic field. • These particles are produced, directly or indirectly, by the Sun or by its influences on Earth’s upper atmosphere. THE NEAR EARTH SPACE ENVIRONMENT • The ionosphere, the electrically charged component of Earth’s upper atmosphere, is produced by solar far-ultraviolet and X-ray radiation effects on the upper atmosphere, and (indirectly) by solar charged particle emissions. • The ionosphere is of great practical importance, because it makes possible long-distance radio communications, due to its reflection of radio waves around the Earth. • The ionosphere is also significantly influenced by Earth’s magnetic field at higher altitudes, giving rise to the plasmasphere. THE NEAR EARTH SPACE ENVIRONMENT • The solar wind is a low density, high temperature flow of ionized gas outward from the Sun (an extension of the solar corona) which travels throughout the solar system, guided by interplanetary magnetic field lines, which also originate in the Sun. • The interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field gives rise to the magnetosphere. • Because the ionosphere, plasmasphere, and magnetosphere (and the interplanetary space environment, in general) are affected by solar activity, these have given rise to the new subject of “space weather”. THE SUN AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE NEAR-EARTH SPACE ENVIRONMENT • The Sun, which provides us with the essential heat and light we utilize on Earth’s surface, also has (much more variable) effects on Earth’s upper atmosphere, and on the near-Earth and interplanetary space environments. • These effects are produced by high-energy (far-ultraviolet and Xray) electromagnetic radiation, and also by highly energetic charged particles emitted by the Sun. • The far-UV and X-ray radiations, and (to a great extent) charged particle emissions, cannot be observed from Earth’s surface because Earth’s atmosphere absorbs all of the solar far-UV and X-ray radiations, and scatters visible light from the solar disk, which makes it very difficult or impossible to observe the corona and coronal mass ejections (except during the extremely rare total eclipses of the Sun by the Moon). THE SUN AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE NEAR-EARTH SPACE ENVIRONMENT • These primarily affect humans and space vehicles traveling above Earth’s lower atmosphere, but also can affect longdistance radio communications and, in extreme cases, electric power transmission, on or near Earth’s surface. • These effects also are becoming of greater interest as we plan future human and robotic explorations of the Moon and other planets in our solar system. • Charged particles emitted by the Sun, especially the highly energetic particles emitted in coronal mass ejections, can be hazardous to the health of astronauts, and damaging to electronic equipment, in vehicles traveling in regions of space beyond the near-Earth space environment. SOLAR FAR-UV AND X-RAY EMISSIONS • The Sun’s output of far-ultraviolet and X-ray emissions are much more variable with solar sunspot activity, than is its output of visible light. • Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are most common during the times when the Sun has its greatest (average) number of visible dark sunspots (which varies over an 11-year cycle, from maximum to minimum and back to maximum). • Active regions on or near the solar surface, such as solar flares, can best be detected and monitored in the far ultraviolet and x-ray wavelength ranges, because these zones are of much higher temperature, but (typically) much lower gas density, than the visible-light photosphere. SPACE OBSERVATIONS OF SOLAR VISIBLE LIGHT EMISSIONS • The solar corona, and coronal mass ejections, can be observed in visible light, but this can be done from the ground only during total eclipses of the Sun by the Moon because of the extreme visible-light brightness of the Sun’s disk, and the scattering of this light by Earth’s atmosphere. • Coronagraphs in space avoid these problems, and can be used to observe the Sun’s corona continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week! • The simultaneous monitoring of the Sun, using both far-UV and X-ray imaging of the solar disk, and visible-light monitoring of its corona, is of great importance to both the scientific research on, and the early warning of, potentially hazardous solar eruptions. Solar Corona Observed in a Total Eclipse Solar Chromospheric Prominence, in H Light (656.3 nm) as Observed in a Total Eclipse Temperature vs. Altitude Above Solar Photosphere The Solar Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrum Solar Visible and Near-IR Spectrum Dashed Line = Black Body Equivalent Spectrum Note transition from an absorption line spectrum in the visible, to an emission line spectrum in the farand extreme-ultraviolet. Note also, the emission lines in the far- and extreme-UV are produced in the chromosphere and corona of the Sun, where temperatures are much higher than the 5800 K temperature of the visible-light photosphere. The Sun as Viewed at Different Wavelengths Visible (White) Light Extreme UV (30.4 nm) Extreme UV (19.5 nm) X-Rays (<10 nm) Effects of Solar Far-UV and X-Ray Emissions on Earth’s Ionosphere and Exosphere • The major constituents of Earth’s upper atmosphere, atomic and molecular oxygen and molecular nitrogen, are subject to ionization by solar far- and extreme-ultraviolet radiation and Xrays, constituting the region known as the ionosphere. • In addition, the neutral gases in the upper atmosphere (mostly atomic oxygen and molecular nitrogen), the region known as the exosphere, are heated by these radiations, and thereby increase the atmospheric neutral density at high altitudes (hence increasing the atmospheric drag on satellites in low Earth orbits). • Since the solar ionizing radiation is much more variable than the solar visible, near-UV, and middle-UV radiations, but cannot be observed from the ground, long-term space-based observations are necessary to monitor these radiations, and to compare these measurements with radio measurements and other studies of the ionosphere. Typical Density vs. Altitude of Atmospheric Constituents in the Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Intensity and Solar-Cycle Variability vs. Wavelength in the Solar Spectrum SOLAR PARTICLE EMISSIONS • Another way in which the Sun affects the solar system space environment is by its ejection of charged particles (mostly electrons and protons), emanating from its upper atmosphere, or corona. • These are, primarily, a relatively constant outflow of relatively low energy particles, known as the solar wind. • These particles travel outward along solar magnetic field lines, which permeate the entire solar system, along spiral paths (due to the Sun’s rotation on its axis). • However, on occasions (especially during times of high solar activity), explosive eruptions from the Sun, such as solar flares, send much higher energy and density gas clouds out into the solar system, known as coronal mass ejections. SOLAR PARTICLE EMISSIONS • The Sun’s corona can be seen in visible light from the ground only in total eclipses of the Sun by the Moon, because it is much fainter the Earth’s bright daytime sky. • However, coronagraphs in space, which are free of Earth’s daytime atmospheric skyglow, can monitor the Sun’s corona 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and give early warning of coronal mass ejections. • These instruments are usually accompanied, on the same spacecraft, with ones which can observe the Sun’s farultraviolet and X-ray emissions (without using coronagraphs) simultaneously with the coronagraph visible-light observations of the solar corona and coronal mass ejections. Coronal Mass Ejection Observed with the Large-Angle Solar Coronagraph (LASCO) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) White circles indicate size of the visible-light solar disk, hidden from direct view by the coronagraphs’ occulting disks. The Solar Wind The apparent directions of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field lines, as seen from Earth, are not from the direction of the Sun, but at an angle, due to the Sun’s rotation on its axis and Earth’s revolution around the Sun. THE SOLAR WIND Because of the Sun’s magnetic field and its rotation on its axis, solar wind particles travel outward at much higher speeds along the magnetic polar directions than along its magnetic equatorial plane. Motions of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields • The effects of magnetic fields on charged particles are not simple attraction or repulsion. • The force acts only on particles moving in a direction perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle, and the direction of the magnetic field. In vector notation, F=qvxB • In the simple case of a uniform magnetic field, and velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field, the magnetic force causes the particle to travel in a circular orbit around the magnetic field lines, with centripetal force equal to the magnetic force: mv2/r = qvB • The particle’s orbit radius (called the “cyclotron radius”) rc = mv/qB. • In actuality, the trajectories of charged particles are rarely perpendicular to the magnetic fields, and the magnetic fields themselves are not uniform in geometry and intensity, so the actual situations are considerably more complex. The Earth’s Magnetic Field The “current loop” model is considered to be the closest approximation to the actual source of Earth’s magnetic field. Interactions of Solar Particles with Earth’s Magnetosphere • The magnetosphere is defined as the region of near-Earth space in which Earth’s magnetic field has significant influence on the motions of solar wind and coronal mass ejection particles. • The size and configuration of Earth’s magnetosphere are highly variable with solar activity, due to the variations in both energy and number of solar particles. • Solar wind and solar flare particles can interact with Earth’s magnetosphere to produce a variety of phenomena. • Energetic particles can be trapped in donut-shaped regions surrounding Earth, giving rise to the Van Allen radiation belts. • These particles can be hazardous to the health of astronauts and to electronic equipment in near-Earth space. Interactions of Solar Particles with Earth’s Magnetosphere • Charged particles (mostly of lower energy than those in the radiation belts) can also be directed, by complex processes in the magnetosphere, downward into Earth’s atmosphere in regions near the magnetic poles, producing auroras. • The zones in which auroras occur most frequently are rings surrounding the magnetic poles, called the auroral zones. • The sizes of the auroral zones, and the intensities of auroral displays, are strongly influenced by solar activity. Note, solar wind particles cannot cross into the magnetosphere directly. Note that solar wind particles interact with Earth’s magnetic field “down wind” of Earth, and can then return to Earth’s vicinity along regions of magnetic field reversal (“reconnection”). Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere and Particle Interactions Charged Particle Trapping in Earth’s Radiation Belts Earth’s Radiation Belts EARTH’S POLAR AURORAS • The polar auroras are the most visible, and longest known, examples of the interaction of solar wind particles with Earth’s atmosphere. • The particles that produce the auroras typically have much lower energies than those that produce the radiation belts. • The frequency, brightness, and latitude of observance of auroras are highly dependent on solar activity. • The colors of auroras are representative of the spectral emissions of the upper atmospheric species involved, and (to some extent) the nature and energy of the incoming particles. • Spectroscopic measurements of the auroras, as well as measurements of the altitudes at which the emissions occur, provide information about the energetics of the auroral particles, and whether they are due to electrons or protons. • Observations from spacecraft, and with the Hubble Space Telescope, have shown that other planets (such as Jupiter and Saturn) also have polar auroras. Ground-Based Image of an Aurora Auroral Color Variations Observation of Aurora from a Space Shuttle Far-UV Image of Aurora from High Altitude Satellite EARTH’S POLAR AURORAS • The polar auroras are not produced by solar wind particles entering Earth’s upper atmosphere directly, along Earth’s magnetic field lines, but by a more complex and indirect route which involves both the interplanetary and Earth’s magnetic fields. • As shown in earlier charts, the solar wind particles are brought into the magnetosphere by magnetic field interactions well beyond Earth’s distance from the Sun, and then can approach the polar regions from the rear. • The magnetic field lines inside the auroral ovals are “open”, that is, extend into interplanetary space, whereas those outside of the auroral oval are “closed”, that is, connect with the opposite magnetic hemisphere of Earth. EARTH’S POLAR AURORAS • The auroras tend to be more intense, and the auroral zones tend to extend further from the magnetic polar regions, with higher solar activity (which increases both the flux and energy of incoming solar wind particles). • Auroral particles are typically much less energetic than those in the Van Allen radiation belts, and normally cannot enter the atmosphere to altitudes of less than about 100 km. • However, intense auroral activity can cause communications interference, and may induce electric currents in the ground and in power lines which can cause major power outages. Far-UV Images of Auroras on Jupiter and Saturn Obtained with Hubble Space Telescope Vacuum Chamber Setup for Aurora Simulation at Naval Research Laboratory The auroral simulation equipment included a hollow stainless steel float ball, 4 inches in diameter, inside of which was placed a vertically-oriented bar magnet. The negative high voltage electrode is in the tube extending from the main chamber in the left image (to the left in the right image). Aurora Simulation in Vacuum Chamber at NRL Electron Beam Direction THE IMAGE SPACE MISSION • • • • • • The Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) is the first NASA mission dedicated to imaging Earth’s magnetosphere. IMAGE was launched into a highly eccentric polar orbit (1000 km perigee, 45,871 km apogee). With the exception of the auroras, most magnetospheric particles and phenomena cannot be directly observed using conventional remote sensing techniques based on the emission or absorption of electromagnetic radiation. In addition to direct imaging in the far- and extreme-ultraviolet spectral ranges, IMAGE makes use of new technologies, for Neutral Atom imaging, and Radio Plasma Imaging. The High, Medium, and Low Energy neutral atom imagers (HENA, MENA, and LENA) detect the neutral atoms produced when energetic plasma particles are converted into neutral atoms by capturing an electron. The advantage of being able to observe energetic neutral atoms is that their trajectories are not affected by Earth’s (or the interplanetary) magnetic fields; hence their directions of origin can be accurately determined from a distance. Electron and Proton Auroras Observed by the IMAGE Satellite Time Variations of Polar Aurora, Observed in Far-UV by IMAGE Satellite Extreme-UV Images of Earth’s Plasmasphere Obtained by the IMAGE Satellite IMAGE Image of Earth’s Magnetosphere in Energetic Neutral Particles Sun Direction