Waste Audit Client Summary: Waste audit of Business School and Amory Building for Green Steps OnCampus project Aims and Objectives – What are we going to do? The Business School: • Conduct a waste audit. • Evaluate the effectiveness of previous initiatives such as the ‘bin-free’ scheme in reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill. • Ascertain whether the quantity of general waste has decreased compared to previous years • Examine the best method to communicate the results of this audit to the Business School staff. The Amory building: The Amory building incorporates the College of Life and Environmental Sciences and as of yet its waste has not been audited. We would expect to find results similar to the Harrison building as it is similar in size, where 40-45% of the waste sent to landfill could have been recycled. The aims and objectives for this building are as follows: • Conduct the first ever waste audit on the Amory building. • Establish some baseline data in terms of the quantity of waste sent to landfill and the proportion of waste that could be recycled. • Examine the best method to communicate the results of this waste audit to the different users and staff of the Amory building which incorporates three colleges. Importance – Why are we doing it? As previously mentioned, waste audits of the university buildings has found that on average 40-45% of the waste to landfill could have been recycled. This audit has the potential to significantly decrease this statistic for the two buildings in question which would substantially reduce the volume of waste the university sends to landfill each year. This will benefit the University in terms of reduced disposal costs as well as improving its sustainability performance and combating climate change. Results – What will we produce? Before we begin our audit we will weigh the total amount of waste. We will then separate the waste into landfill, paper, cardboard, coffee cups, plastic and organic streams and weigh them individually. We will record this information on a data sheet. This will allow us to calculate the percentages of waste to landfill, recycled material and also the different types of material. A focus of the investigation will be on counting the number of disposable coffee cups as this is a huge issue within the university. Throughout the audit we will take photos on a digital camera that will visually describe and explain the processes that we went through. These photos will be incorporated and discussed upon during the report. Once the results have been calculated they will be displayed graphically in a report that will describe the results. From these results we will ascertain statistics such as how much money the staff could save by not using coffee cups for example? We will then explore strategies to help communicate these results to the staff in these buildings and incorporated them into the report. In addition we will outline examples of successful schemes that have reduced waste to landfill in other Universities. We will take photos of each stage of the waste auditing process and use these to help communicate change to building users. www.exeter.ac.uk/careers Waste Audit Our Schedule: 29/01/14 – Initial meeting with Karen to discuss project brief 05/02/14 – Meeting with Shane Vaughan to discuss waste auditing 10/02/14 – Email Karen Client Summary document 11/02/14 – Skype to discuss Client Summary Conduct waste audit – dates to be arranged with Greg Brooks Arrange a post-audit meeting with Karen to discuss the outcome of the audit Prepare report of findings Time Allocation: The total time allocated for carrying out this project is 60 hours. This is divided into: • Pre-audit activities – includes initial meetings with Karen Gallagher and Shane Vaughan, liaising with Greg Brooks, preparing risk assessments and method statements – 10 hours • Business School Waste Audit – 8 hours • Amory building Waste Audit – 8 hours • Data presentation – 3 hours • Data analysis – 3 hours • Investigating recommendations and solutions – 8 hours • Researching other successful institutions – 5 hours • Report write up – 10 hours • Final amendments and conclusions – 5 hours Who are the stakeholders involved in this project? We are going to work with Greg Brooks and Shane Vaughan to ensure our waste audit is successful. We will make sure that all the personal protective equipment (PPE) is available prior to undertaking the audit and discuss any previous problems that have occurred in order for the audits to run smoothly. We will also discuss the best way to record the data during the audits. Greg will be our lead contact for health and safety and logistics. www.exeter.ac.uk/careers