The Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship Application Form (2016 Entry)

The Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship Application Form (2016 Entry)
About the Scholarship
The Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship is for top performing students who receive an offer for
an undergraduate programme of study from the University of Exeter (Streatham, St Luke’s or
Penryn Campus). The Scholarship is for students who make the University of Exeter their
first choice, are able to present a demonstrable commitment to their chosen subject of study
and an involvement in voluntary/entrepreneurial activities. Preference will be given to those
applicants who can demonstrate no previous parental experience of Higher Education.
Notes for the Guidance of Applicants
1. Applicants must have accepted an offer for a full-time, undergraduate course at the
University of Exeter (Streatham, St Luke’s or Penryn campus). The offer holder must have
made Exeter his/her Firm Acceptance choice of university.
2. Applicants must be able to demonstrate at the time of application:
a) strong academic performance
b) commitment to their subject of study
c) involvement in voluntary or entrepreneurial activities
d) No independent means or other source of funding (other than student loans)
e) (Preferred) No parental experience of Higher Education
3. The value of the Scholarship is £6,000 per annum renewable annually (for a period of three
years only*) subject to satisfactory academic performance at the University of Exeter.
*This means that students on four or five year undergraduate courses would receive funding
for the first three years of their course only.
4. The awarding of the Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship is independent of any additional
financial support students might be entitled to through the University’s bursary schemes or
government grants and loans (means-tested household income may be considered).
6. Applications will be informed of the outcome of their application by email during May 2016.
The awarding of the Scholarship will be provisional on the student achieving the terms of
his/her offer.
If you wish to be considered for the Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship please complete and
return the attached form and supporting statement, so that it arrives no later than Friday 29
April 2016 to:
By email:
By post:
Ref: Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship, Kathy Bishop, Student Recruitment Office, Hope Hall,
Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, EX4 4PL
Please note: The information provided in this application will be treated as confidential,
but may be shared with the members of the Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship selection
panel, including the scholarship donor.
The Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship Application Form (2016 Entry)
(Please complete using block capital letters)
First name(s)
Degree Programme*:
*This must be an Undergraduate Degree Programme at
the University of Exeter (at Streatham, St Luke’s or
Penryn Campus).
UCAS number:
Are you in receipt of the 16-19 Bursary
YES/NO (delete as appropriate)
Name of the school /college at which you
took GCSE examinations:
Address of the school /college at which
you took GCSE examinations:
Postcode of the school /college at which
you took GCSE examinations:
Telephone number (home):
Mobile number:
E-mail address:
Please confirm the name and address of the head teacher of the school/college at which you
are studying or have studied for your A Level (or equivalent) examinations. We may contact
him/her for a reference in support of your application for this Scholarship.
Name of head teacher:
Name of school/college
Address of school/college
Postcode of school/college
Supporting Statement (max 500 words)
Please read the ‘Notes for Guidance of Applicants’ (overleaf) and then complete a supporting
statement describing why you should be awarded the Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship. Your
statement should address the following criteria:
a) strong academic performance
b) commitment to their subject of study
c) involvement in voluntary or entrepreneurial activities
d) No independent means or other source of funding (other than student loans)
e) (Preferred) No parental experience of Higher Education
I understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Sara and Nigel Tozzi Scholarship and I
confirm that the information I have given on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and
Print Name: