Kurt E. Hofmeister Outstanding Student Award

Center for Community and Civic Engagement (CCCE) Awards
*Formerly the Service-learning and Civic Engagement Awards
Award Name:
Kurt E. Hofmeister Outstanding Student Award
Awarded to an undergraduate and graduate student each year to recognize exemplary performance
in an academic credit-bearing community-based learning experience (e.g., service-learning course,
community-based internship, community-based capstone project, international service-learning
experience, community-based research project).
*Community-based research/creative activities supported by the Center for Undergraduate Research
and Scholarship, McNair Scholars, or other student research programs are eligible.
Open to undergraduate and graduate students who participated in a community-based learning
experience in the Summer of 2015, Fall of 2015, or Spring of 2016.
Selection Criteria:
Students nominated for this award should have demonstrated excellence in community-based
learning in all or most of the following areas:
 Exhibited depth of understanding of the academic course material;
 Demonstrated civic and personal growth as a result of the community-based experience;
 Fostered a mutually beneficial relationship with community partner(s) to meet identified
community needs;
 Made a distinct impact on the community/community issue associated with their communitybased learning experience;
 Demonstrated excellence in critical reflection;
 Demonstrated connection of course content to their academic and life goals.
Nomination Process:
Nominations are solicited from BGSU faculty, staff, student, or community members who have
experience working with the nominee.
Information Required from Nominator:
 General information and contact information of the nominee
 Basic community-based learning experience information including:
o Course Number/Section
o Number of credit hours
o Course title
o Name of community partner(s)
o Semester of experience
 Briefly describe the community-based learning experience the student was involved with and
the role of the student in that experience.
 Response to the questions below based on the selection criteria applicable to the nominee:
How did the student exhibit a depth of understanding of the academic course
material? (1200 characters, including spaces maximum)
(1200 characters, including spaces maximum)
How did the student foster a mutually beneficial relationship with community
partner(s) to meet community needs? (1200 characters, including spaces maximum)
What was the student’s impact on the community/community issue associated with
their community-based experience? Please list specific impact results/examples.
(1200 characters, including spaces maximum)
How did the student demonstrate excellence in critical reflection? (Critical reflection
“generates learning (articulating questions, confronting bias, examining causality,
contrasting theory with practice, pointing to systemic issues), deepens learning
(challenging simplistic conclusions, inviting alternative perspectives, asking “why”
iteratively), and documents learning (producing tangible expressions of new
understandings for evaluation)” (Ash & Clayton, 2009, pg. 27). (1200 characters,
including spaces maximum)
How did the student connect course content to their academic and life goals? (1200
characters, including spaces maximum)
Is there any additional information you feel the selection committee should know?
(1200 characters, including spaces maximum)
Information Required from Nominee: (Once nominated, a student will receive a request from the
Center for Community and Civic Engagement to complete the following)
 General information and contact information
 A short biography written in the third person (150 word limit)
 A headshot or photograph.
Forms and Documentation:
 Nomination form
 Nominations are due by March 16, 2016, 5 pm EST.
 Awards ceremony and announcements will be held on April 21, 2016.
Review & Selection Process:
 Reviewed by a committee of faculty, staff, students, and community partners.
Notification & Recognition:
 All nominees and nominators will be invited to the awards ceremony
 Recipients will be announced at the awards ceremony.
 Recipients’ bios and photos will be posted on the OSL website