Clackamas High School Course Title Semester or Year Instructor Contact Information Name: Room #: Phone: Email: Course Description This is a general overview of the course. Consult the course catalog for additional information if needed. Course Objectives Outline of what you expect students to know and be able to do by the end of the semester or year (essential questions, standards, etc.) Use your curriculum maps as a resource. This should be the same for the PLC. Work samples given in this course. CRLEs offered in this course (if applicable) Required texts and other readings List the major texts you will be using in class Supplemental literature or films should also be listed and have parents refer to the website for descriptions of supplemental literature (for English classes). Supplies List classroom supplies students are expected to bring to class and when Course Outline Summative (major assessments)-List the major tests, papers, labs, speeches, or projects (this may be the same for your PLC). Daily Assignments Homework- frequency, policy for missing or late work, impact on grades Class Participation- be specific on how students are graded on this Grading Policies Grading Criteria: types of assignments and tests and their value in determining grade Grading Scale Late Work or Missing Work Extra Credit Classroom Policies Attendance Promptness Passes Behavior Expectations Plagiarism Other Academic Support Where can students go if they need more support? List days/times teacher is available and after-school tutoring sessions. Helpful websites or other resources